Morning all.
History has been made. Twelve FA Cup Trophies!
We stand alone…

Ok, slightly tongue in cheek heading but yesterday, Arsene Wenger was back to his best.
He got it right with Szczesny, the big pole stopped everything which looked like Benteke could get his head to. Well done big man!
If he was behind the switch of Theo and Alexis, then good stuff as Theo blasted our opening goal into the back of the net. And with his wrong foot….
If that was sweet, what Alexis dished up to make it 2-0 was even sweeter. There are no words to describe his strike for our second. It simply was stunning.
Our big German made it 3-0 and the look on his face said it all. He was elated, I was too……
But there was one more move to come and it came from Ollie. How fitting it was that his baron run came to an end with a little left footed cheeky flick to give us a 4-0 victory?
I thought we were superb yesterday, absolutely superb.
Please don’t anyone suggest that we beat a poor Villa side because as much as they may have been poor, the reason for that was because our boys were so good. I get tired of listening to pundits like Shearer saying the opposition were poor and that’s why we won. Why not give credit to Arsenal sometimes!
Szczesny almost single handedly stopped Villa’s biggest threat and without him, they had little to cause us problems and what they did try, we dealt with comfortably.
We here on HH had been talking about who should start, would they turn up, would the manager make the right substitutions when/if needed, and all that jazz but ask yourself one question, what did Arsene Wenger get wrong?
My answer is simple. Nothing!
As for the players, well they did exactly what we hoped, they ‘turned up’, they were out of the blocks early and took the game to Villa. They clearly wanted that 12th FA Cup, Arsene Wengers 6th and they got it!
What a great day for all things Arsenal.
If Arsene Wenger has a good summer transfer window we really can win the Premier League next term..
Have a great day guys and gals….
Morning rico top post
Morning Mg and all..
I thought it was an awful one Mg… 😉
rico, it was a top write. And we did everything right yesterday! All credit to AW and our boys. We, Arsenal fans, have much to be proud of. 🙂
Mourinho has again showed his lack of class! What a git he is.
I really hope we batter them in the CS and win the PL next season…
Thanks Agag..
Agree re AW and the boys – everything was perfect. Well, apart from missing too many chances.. 😉
He knows were a force he’s running scared
Morning Rico. What has Mourinho said now?
What has the Poison Dwarf said this time, rico?
Not exactly classy from our fans either…
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.
It describes our players, the manager and today’s post!!
Oh what a feeling!
Morning Rico, All…
Great summary.
Morning Adam. He was interviewed in Australia or wherever they are and was asked if he had any message for Arsene Wenger after the win.
He said ‘No – enjoy’…
And then laughed… He is such a classless git…
Well, let me put a post I did on my fb wall earlier and drawing a huge ire from Chelsea fans…
Who says every condition is permanent?
From eight trophyless years to three trophies in 12 months!
When Arsene Wenger came to England, managed Arsenal to seven major trophies in eight seasons(mind you, I’ve not counted Community Shield. That started counting as a trophy the moment Jose Mourinho won it!), the astute French knew that the club he had in his hands was far bigger than the small arena called Highbury they operated from. So he set out to give the club that was fast growing in fan base, popularity because of the adorable playing style, a befitting home.
Because there were no sugar daddies then in club football and that more importantly, Arsenal and Arsene were not structured for sugar daddism, the astute French professor structured a loan move to behold one of the best modern arenas of the beautiful game christened The Emirates Stadium.
In doing that, Le Prof was forced to sell his best players season after season, distorting team balance, reducing team quality on a dangerously steeply slope. But he held with painful grit … never dropped out of top four – ever present in the biggest stage called UEFA Champions League football. He excessively punched above his weight by taking mostly rookies to the 2006 final, only to lose to poor refereeing decision that reduced his team to ten men as early as minute 15…even then it took Barcelona 75 sweating minutes to come back from Sol Campbel’s goal and eventually nick it at closing stages.
But as Wenger tried to manage the debts without plunging the club into crisis, one dubiously rich sugar daddy bought over one ailing club called Chelsea, pumped unreasonable cash and brought along one loquacious, excessively arrogant tout called Mourinho from Portugal to manage a club that suddenly had questionable resources to have bought every player in the world in one swoop. Instead of enjoying his luck of sudden wealth and resources to be the best manager of the richest club in the world, he went about taunting Arsene and Arsenal as if he was God. Along the line, all Chelsea fans started living in that lopsided belief that mocking Arsenal and her lean resources was the only reason to be a football fan.
TROPHYLESS became a word dictionaries could have swapped for the word ‘Arsenal’.
But, long as it seemed, it lasted just eight years. Today, my four- year old daughter has witnessed daddy celebrate three Arsenal trophies in 12 months. Even the same Mourinho, after trotting all around the world like an insatiable prostitute that he truly is, had managed with Chelsea just two trophies in same period…and one of them a worthless Capital One Cup!
Today Arsenal has set a new record in world football…the club that has won the most of the first trophy ever competed for in the game of football. And Wenger is the man who has won it most – six times! The same club and manager that set a record of 49 games unbeaten. While little minds chase mere trophies, great minds chase records!
Stand up wherever you are, ye Gunners and celebrate. You have a club that dwarfs Chelsea in all fronts and a manager far superior to Mourinho in modern takes.
The days of drought are over. Harvest times are here and by next season, Arsenal will be parading a side that will match Chelsea and Mourinho in all departments…then let’s see how Mourinho continues beating Wenger!
Not classy Agag, but funny.. 😉
Morning Tai, thank you, and you Scott.. lol
I hope you are right Tai and as I said in the post, I truly believe we can win the PL again under AW IF he has a good summer..
Szczesny surprised me yesterday, in a good way.
He and the coaching staff clearly worked on his tactics against Benteke.
A good long post there, Tai. Chelsea stand for everything that is wrong in football; what do you really expect from a club run by an oligarch with dubious resources, managed by the pettiest, meanest, and most spiteful dwarf, and captained by one who would steal his best friend’s wife?? Yuuuuccccck.
rico, you know I would always have soft spot for Cesc.
Scott, have you slept at all???
Rico, Szczesny won me the other day when he had a blast at his dad….Distancing himself from the man.
I’m sure it must have hurt, but the fact is it signalled some maturity to me.
Yes, it’s one performance, but it was nearly flawless and offers encouragement for his future.
Hi Agag,
I managed 2-3 hours this morning.
Tonight, sleeping won’t be an issue though 🙂 🙂
I’m still grinning?
Rico, the way John Terry and co celebrated a draw at the Emirates told me the players themselves know Arsenal have caught up with Chelsea…two additions and matches between the two centre on luck!
Excellent summary.
Now the club should announce capito’s contract extension…
Arteta must command a lot of respect. the hug he got from Stan and IG said something to me..
Future manager…
I know Agag, goodness knows why though… 😉
Scott, no doubt that was all done for a reason re his Dad. Possibly to ensure he played yesterday.. lol
Yes, one performance but he did well. Still take a lot more to convince me though…
Thanks Agag
Tai – I think they just knew we couldn’t then catch them. That lot are so arrogant, I bet they still think they are gulfs ahead of us…
Thanks Ts – I don’t see what the point would be in keeping Arteta, other than if he’s going to join the coaching staff…
My biggest worry with Szczesny is his ball distribution – extremely poor. But he did excellently to cut off all aerial balls yesterday.
Rico. That’s about what I would expect from that sicko.
We were very good yesterday against an abject team but you can only beat what’s in front of you. I imagine what got up his nose was the praise that Arsenal are receiving for the quality of their play. He must know that Abramovich would have been watching and probably wondering why, for £1 billion plus, he has ended up with a team and a club reviled around the world for its systemic racism, dull, boring play and complete classlessness.
I have always felt that a team and a club is a reflection of their manager. If you looked at the hunched, unshaven and rather drab figure of Sherwood, scowling on the touch line and watched his horrible team or looked at the diminutive sociopath, his racist captain and his team of arseholes then, who knows? I may have a point.
What really gets to the vile little goblin is that he is no more than an inconvenient irrelevance to everybody but the press who adore him.
Szczesny is still very young for a keeper, so any sign of improvement means he could be worth keeping.
Then again, who knows lol
Tau scez distribution is far better than ospina’s though…imo.
I see your point Rico. But he can still do a job albeit in limited games.
The funniest comment yesterday was ‘ if we had higuain or benzema instead of giroud we would have won the title’…
Adam, well said.
The man is scum, and little more.
I’m already finding my skin crawling with the thought of him soiling this country with his presence.
Tai – I don’t think either of our keepers distribution is very good…
Adam, yes, Mourinho’s comments are nothing to shock us really. Ghastly man.
Ginge, helloooo!! I didn’t know about the Totnum chant, haha. Blonde moment! 😀
scott, and you’ll be smiling for days. 🙂
Adam, you do have a way with words. 😀 😀 If Mourinho reads your scathing assessment of him and his; he’d feel even smaller than the dwarf he already is. 😀
Bearing in mind that Portugal is probably our oldest ally. Militarily, if memory serves, we joined with them in the Peninsula Wars to help protect them from that other tiny dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte. They are our friends and our countries have close links. What a terrible shame then that the best known Portuguese in the UK these days is such a disgusting little tosspot like Mourinho.
Thanks Agag.
Ha, jack swigging on a bottle of beer
Morning All
Morning Rico, a truely great post M’Lady.
I’m not sure that we should worry too much about what Mourinho says and what he doesn’t say…
“No, enjoy” isn’t anything for us to get too fussed about.
I think he was playing games with the journos, they know his history with Wenger and were trying to provoke more of a critical response. I think that’s why he laughed.
And frankly, who gives a shit what he thinks…
It certainly makes the Charity Shield something to look forward too.
A draw, settled by a penalty shoot-out…
Great write up Rico.
The team were out of the blocks from the off. All the team played out of their skin and deserved this victory. Wenger got it right, but Sherwood got it wrong. He disregarded the Swansea tactics.
Really pleased for Arsene and the team.
Now let’s add to the squad and be ready for first league match and hit the ground running.
Keeeevvvvv!! How are you, Shopping Buddy?? Are you attending the parade?
You’re right re: not being fussed about Mourinho, He’s a non-entity. 🙂
He’s not alone Mg… lol
A few are on coffee it seems….
Agag the small section of fans around bullie the patriarch fan who could be bothered to savour the occasion spent their energy singing about the scrums and Judas dis persie.Lol
Got to do something at home before the Mrs cautions me for doing only football on weekends.
Tai, just read your post…
It was very very good mate…
Vieira tipped to become Newcastle manager…
Morning Kev & Marinello, thanks re the post…
He just gets up my nose, the smug twit!
Marinello, spot on re Sherwood, he thought they could out play us, big mistake. But then I don’t think he has the players to lay like Swansea or Sunderland etc…
Hi Agag 🙂
Nah, I couldn’t get out of bed shopping buddy… 🙁
I was gonna meet Adam and then my son, but I guess I’m just a misery guts…
How are you and how is the new job going?
Hi Marinello, did you go to the game?
Too much to drink last night, Kev?? New job is hell on my Arsenal socializing, Kev. But it pays better than the last one. 😀
Hiello, Marinello. 🙂
Glad to hear that you are busy Agag…
Extra money is always a good thing. 😉
Lol, Kev. 🙂 It’s necessary for the shoebsession. 🙂
Good Morning Lovelies and Hunkies.
What a super match report. From a super writer about a super team which won a super win for a super record.
MOTM for me yesterday……all of them but Ozil and Cazorla were above the rest.
Thanks Devil 🙂
Good Morning to The Lady of the House and all fellow Gooners in residence.
Rico – I have to echo Scott’s comment “Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.”
Four goals from four different players, very egalitarian. No doubt due to the Arsene/French influence. Our men played for each other as a great team should. Onward and upward to the new season.
Sister AGAG – I hear your new job is keeping you busy and out of trouble or is that out of the shoe shops. LOL Unfortunately, it is also keeping you out of the House. That is a shame.
Kev – I have to agree with you regarding the Petulant Portuguese Pygmy. Who gives a [insert your choice of explative(s)] what the vile little runt thinks.
However, he does remind me of Sir Anal Fergusmoan, he is at his worst when your team could pose a real challenge to his.
Lots of things were said following the match in the live interviews on the pitch , one thing that came over strong was the unity of the squad. Both Giroud and Theo commented on the need to earn your shirt . Santi commented on the strength of the “” group “”The way that Chambers was cavorting with the others spoke volumes. This lot are tight knit and they are a team. We all know that there will be a few changes and that some will take a back seat but anyone that agitates to go now should be shown the door before they spoil the feeling.
On another subject , we all criticised the woman that knicked the shirt from that kid last week but we have our own share of such people . The free scarves that were on every seat are turning up on e-bay this morning taken from the seats before a lot of the crowd came in.
Well done Rico good post after your loss this morning.
Good Morning Rico and the House
Its Pouring with rain but I don’t care
A great post Rico I wish I could write
co one as fast as that.
Update on Marveld Cup
Our U15’s have beaten the Brazil side 1-0 and are in the final
later today
CG, hi there, well we should look at it as a positive mate…
Mourinho’s snide comments show that he sees Arsenal as a threat…
So that, to me, is welcome…
Chelsea fans that’s how you do a victory Parade.
Good news Rick…
I’ve not heard anymore, yet, on young George, but I’ll keep you posted…
Top post tai
CG!!!! How are you, sir?? Been drowning in work. 🙁 Unfortunately, I don’t get to blog as much.
Can’t wait til we give the Chavs a hiding. It’s overdue!!
Ooops we done it again lol….that’s my Arsenal, we do indeed stand alone !
Nice one rico, you know how stingy I am with my praise so give us a twirl, ah go on, go on, go on.
Kev, you a misery guts….surely not !
I’m reading that the turnout for Arsenal’s FA Cup victory parade is putting the one for Chelsea’s league win to shame. Maybe that is, in part, why the diminutive Ms. Maureen Yo is so testy with the press.
Morning Cg & Rick, thank you… and you Joe.. 😉
Potter – good comment. This group really are a tight knit bunch..
I reckon Walcott will sign on the dotted line real soon, as AW said, why would he want to leave now…
I know it’s a shock Mick, but yeah, I can be almost as grumpy as Wath…
Tbh CG, I don’t see the point of Chelski building a new stadium, they won’t fill it…
45,000 is about their optimum attendance…
And 20,000 of them will be lost or akip.
Kev – I’m hoping that Arsene and Arsenal can drive the malevolent midget to distraction next season, to the point where he is ripping his hair out and rivalling Uncle Bouldy in the billiard ball look.
Afternoon, Me too Rico (re) Shearer,s comments, never a good word to say about us, Yesterday when asked were the current Arsenal squad near to winning the league, His replies were all negative, Aside from what he thinks, the world and his wife surely must agree, with the right acquisitions we are 2 or 3 world class players away from being a fantastic and all conquering squad, but I would,ve luv,d it, just luv,d if Newcastle went down this year, Lol. Good post too from Tai,
AGAG – I am very well. Thank you for asking.
I had a GREAT DAY yesterday. My apologies for yelling, but I am still so excited.
My younger son was across to watch the game with me in the morning. After the game I picked up some takeout for lunch at our favourite Japanese restaurant and headed to his house. By the time we had finished eating lunch granddaughter #2 had awakened from her nap and we had a good walk along the seawall and and a good play in the park. As I said, a GREAT DAY!
I suspect you are saving all that better pay for a grand shopping excursion to London, New York &/or Paris. You must be close to rivaling Imelda Marcos’ shoe collection by now?
Afternoon Dublin, 3 top players and I reckon we’ll be right up there…
Kev – I have to agree with you about the futility of expanding the current or building a new bigger Smirnoff Bridge. Chelski aren’t getting a lot of traction with the overseas audiences either. They seem to attract what Roy Keane referred to as the ‘prawn cocktail set’, fans that will follow the team only as long as they are winning. Otherwise it is on to another team, a bit like their malignant manager, or another sport.
Aw has denied interest in Vidal! Great, we’ll be buying him, then. 🙂
CG, good to hear you had a great day; there really, is nothing like an Arsenal win (and a cup at that!!) to bring an extra spring to one’s step. 😉
I’ve been unable to take time off work to travel. 🙁 🙁 So I’ve been on online shops, instead. 🙂
And where is Uncle WATH?? I suspect he’s out cold with all that GG!!
Theo said on the bus that he’s sure his contract situation will soon be resolved…
(And upon hearing that, rico heaved a sigh of relief. ) 😀 😀
Kev – Has WATH drunk his whole stash of GG celebrating the Arsenal’s win?
😛 Agag, but he didn’t say he’s staying…. lol
CG, surely, he would die if it were his whole stash. I understand he hoards them not by crates but by warehouses. 😀 😀
It will be resolved in Chelsea’s favor, then rico. Eeeeeek. 😀
AGAG – “…you know I would always have soft spot for Cesc.” I thought you liked your men tall and blond, like Le Stud Giroud. You must have been pleased to see him come on and score our fourth goal yesterday.
He won’t go there Agag, Dippers maybe but not Chavs surely…
Walk time for me, catch up later…
Anyway, it has been a very long (almost 24 hour), but very enjoyable day. So, I’m off to bed with images of Arsenal league and cup wins dancing in my head.
Have a great day everyone. Keep The Faith!
CG, Giroud is the exception. I like puppy dog eyes. Lol. Spoken like my teener self. 😀 Still so stoked about our win. I have worked so little all day.
CG, Wath is probably in the Hawley Arms kicking-off a rumpus with a few Spuds…
Bless him… 😉
Stan is tall and blond… 🙂
This ……….
is similiar to this……..
Thanks so much, Kev, Ts, Dg…
I just came back from a function….
Evening all…
Have we signed anyone? 😉
Vidal, apparently, rico. 🙂 🙂 A girl can wish. Good night guys!!
Mourinho maybe, Rico…how about that?
How many here would welcome Mourinho as Arsenal’s coach?
Fingers crossed Agag, sleep well…
A big fat no from me Tai…
Mourinho as Arsenal coach???
what are you smoking mate??? or drinking???
Good Evening Lovelies and Hunkies.
I think Tai was just throwing it out there Devil. I would imagine he’d detest Mourinho being our manager.
Thank goodness that’ll never happen….
I would stop supporting Arsenal, regardless of trophies won,for the entire time Mourinho is our manager, if it ever happens.
I wouldn’t ever stop supporting Arsenal, regardless of who the manager was…..
Catch up tomorrow guys, night all.
Truth is – I won’t ever watch any Arsenal match under Mourinho, however long he lasts.
Tai, count your blessings you weren’t about when Bruce Rioch was in charge, there again maybe you woz !
rico, I knows you were in earlier, don’t deny it !
Theo’s goal yesterday has to be up there with Romford Pele’s in 2002, loved them both.
No work tomorrow, this weekend just keeps on giving ! Still living the dream.
French tv reporting Morgan is close to Man U switch, that would be a shame if true.
Jose to Arsenal, would have to be National Arse-holes Day for that to happen !
tsgh, still waiting on my slice of Theo’s pie……made for sharing.
Nite Gooners.
Must say I much prefer this new way of winning stuff to the usually way we win stuff it’s much better for my dinner nails and my heart.
Finger nails……
Ahhhhhh sleep, you are my friend.
I missed you.
Hey, there is only one positive to the PL off season…..sleep.
I can rest for a few months with no fear of that 3am alarm going off.
Bullshit, I’ll sleep when I’m dead.
Micko, I was out, honest…
Shame about Morgan and the Mancs if true, mind you, why should that story be any more true than him reportedly agreeing a move to Arsenal.
Arsene has denied Vidal stories. Good.
But he’s also said the club won’t spend big money this summer as they don’t have it….
Welcome to the transfer window..
Morning all….
Morning Rico…
Yep the summer transfer bullshit is in full swing…
Looking at those teams in the top six or seven, I would guess that ManUre and Scousers are in more need to spend than anyone else…
ManCity will be agonising over a manager this summer, whilst the Spuds will be in turmoil as per usual…
Arsenal and the Chavs have the most balanced and settled squads as it stands.
You know what Rico, if our squad, with the help of Shad Forsyth, can stay fitter, and we start the season with the same intensity and discipline that we finished this one and retain all of our major players, then I’ve seen enough of the squad, as it is, to be confident in them challenging for the title next season.
If Wenger can add two or three quality players, with one of them being a ‘game changer’, then we must be one of the favourites for the EPL in 2016…
The teams around us, won’t stand still, so nor should we..,
Ok, off to work, lata…
Good Morning Lovelies and Hunkies.
Arsene Wenger Lord of the Cups dare we say??? And by right seeing that he is the most decorated manager in the FA Cup history. I want us to defend it again next year and win it as well.
Did you see Messi’s goal??? Awesome.
Morning Kev.
I’m not convinced we have enough to win the league….
Would love a 3rd on the trot Devil.
if we stay free of injuries than this team can challenge the chavs next season.
but with the right additions then maybe it will be that the chavs team will be the one who will be challenging us.
Good Morning Rico
I would love it as well Rico. to win it three times on the trot would be a great achievement. It is something that AW should have taken care of during those 9 barren years. He should have got us through the group stages then focused simply on the FA cup and tried to win it with proper players instead of using it to give the fringe players experience.
but what is done is done now and we cannot reverse time back.
the spuddies won it four times on the trot. I would love to go one better and rub it in their face once an for all.
Did he always do that in the FA up though? The league cup yes, but not sure on the FA Cup…
Morning Dev, Rico and all
Morning Ts & Devil.
there were moments when I felt he threw it away Rico. it was in the Emirates early days if I remember correctly.
And the league cup yes he always experimented….even when we were in the final. I believe we should have had at least two/three more cups during those 9 years before last season’s win.
Morning Ginge
Aubemayang mentioned. what do you think????
Messi’s first was brilliant but his second and Giroud’s for our 4th were pretty similar.
Morning guys.
The smile remains.
I kind of understand why he did that just after we moved Devil… A shallow squad, little money and he needed top 4 so the PL was the priority. Had we won the FA Cup and came 6/7th in the league, we’d have been in a pickle…
And he’d have possibly been sacked.
Bacca is wanted by Yanited apparently…
Dev- I rate PEA highly. BVB is my second team too so if we are going to lose a player from BVB I would rather he joined us.
PEA should have been bought by AW.
I think PEA will remind Syg and Micko of Gervinho though so… lol
Morning all,great post Rico as always ….. we are back in that boring patch (off season). Hopefully we’ll make good use of this period,get in 2 or more world class players and challenge on all three fronts.
Giroud and Messi in the same sentence Potter? 😉
Dev- P.E.A opted to play for Gabon instead of France, reason AW did not sign him 2 seasons ago. Imo.
Morning Rico and all. It’s Season Ticket renewal deadline day today. It fell just right for the club this year after Saturday’s win. Once the dust of euphoria has settled it will be interesting to see what Wenger does re transfers in and out.
I think we are at least 4 players short of mounting a serious assault on the EPL title…
Unless we buy Bale plus Kramer/Vidal/Grenier. then 2 will be fine. lol
The points we dropped against Sunderland and Swansea is a good reminder of us still not being ‘equipped’ in the long term to play more than 1 game every 3 or 4 days.imho
Thanks Bondex.
Morning to you and Adam…
I would say 4 too.
2 top notchers, two tough, hardened professionals.
2 tickets offered last week… £2800 total…; That is a few flights to West falenstadion.
my reply a resounding NO!
collecting stats has paid for me 2 seasons in a roll…
Adam, at least AW has already said there will be no big money players being signed. So he’s been honest ahead of ST deadline day… 😉
New post up now…
Rico. He always says that stuff though. What will he do at full back? If Monreal leaves and Debuchy doesn’t fancy playing second fiddle to Hector there will need to be decisions made. Add CM, goalie and the striker situation too. If you stand still you are going backwards in the PL. Wenger has proved that many times.
Scott- will you take Falcal