Morning all.
Big news came out of the club yesterday. Both Mikel Arteta and Jonas Eidevall have signed new contracts. Eidevall until 2024, Arteta, 2025. I think both deals were inevitable really. As soon as European football was a certainty for the mens team next season, the announcement was just a matter of time in my opinion and the timing is clever. Whatever you or I think and actually, I think Mikel Arteta has more than earned this contract, the board seem to love him and so do the players. The Emirates is alive again because the players are performing for their manager and for the fans. That’s all many of us have been asking for isn’t it, 100% effort and commitment? Regardless of how results have gone during this bumpy old season, since the turn of the year, I don’t think any one player can be faulted for his lack of effort. Mistakes yes, we all make them but the one thing I think can be guaranteed is that if Arsenal don’t finish 4th, it won’t be through the lack of trying.
Edu – “I think the timing is perfect. I really believe the message will be a big lift to everyone. To the fans, to the club, to the players, to Mikel.”
I too think the timing is perfect. It’s like the “new manager” boost as we head into the last few games. Liverpool have just done the same with Jurgen Klopp, probably hoping that the news will give his team the belief they can overtake Man City and win the league. It’s a message both clubs are sending out which is “we’re in a good place and we’re only going to get better”. Or something like that anyway. Perhaps it’s also an attempt to unsettle the clubs around us. Conte has been moaning about not being in his job just to compete for top four because he’s used to picking up trophies, meanwhile, Arsenal have been picking up points.
Edu: “It’s important to show everyone where we want to go as a club. We are going to face a big summer again and it’s important to have our manager here.”
A big summer – well that’s good to hear, if of course Edu means in the transfer window. I think we can assume there are going to be a number of exits with players either out of contract or out of Mikel Arteta’s plans and there are younger players needing to go out on loan, new contracts to be signed and deciding which players from the academy will be stepping up or stepping out. Lastly, the players Arsenal sign. Who they will be is anyones guess but if the managers position isn’t certain, or the club isn’t stable, joining Arsenal might not be the most attractive proposition. At least now everyone knows that Mikel Arteta is staying for another three years. Unless the process fails which I can’t see it doing right now.
What about Mikel Arteta himself, what did he have to say about his new deal? His entire interview is on Arsenal.com but here’s just a few snippets:
On the ambitions in the short term and longer term…
To take the club to the next level and to compete really with the top teams. In order to do that, we have to be playing in the Champions League. We have to be able to evolve the team, improve our players, improve all departments, generate even more connection with our fans, improve the atmosphere at the Emirates, be able to recruit top, top talent and the best people for this club to drive this project to that level.
I don’t think I’ve read or heard an interview with Mikel Arteta in which he’s not mentioned the fans. He’s smart because he knows that without them, his job would be very difficult. A toxic home stadium usually ends badly but ever since fans have been allowed back into stadiums after Covid, Arsenal fans have been right behind the manager, his staff and the players. Home and away.
On how important the fans will be on this journey?
For me they have been the tsunami of this project. For two seasons we haven’t had them, so with the way I want the team to play, with the balance we have established, and I want people to lead the club in the way I believe we should be leading it. Without them it was impossible to do it. So from the moment we have had them close to us, they have sensed and felt that energy and that way of now representing the club to a much deeper level. That’s when a sense of belonging from the fans becomes natural, and that’s why everything clicked in my opinion to go and perform to the level that we are doing now.
Mikel Arteta is never slow on mentioning everyone at the club. He knows that any success the club might go on to enjoy is not just because of him.
On his backroom staff.
They will continue with me and I am extremely proud and grateful for what they are doing for the club, all the support that they give me and they are constantly challenging me and making me a better coach and a better person, so Mikel by himself, he could not do anything. I am more clear than water about that, that you need the best people and the best professionals around you to do what you want to achieve.
It wasn’t until the Man City game at The Emirates when I realised just how cool, calm and well spoken Albert Stuivenberg is. No, I don’t mean he’s got a plum in his cheek, but the way he spoke about the game Arsenal had just played. Funny enough, that had been Arsenal’s best performance all season too. Nicolas Jover is doing a good job too. All of them together are crucial to the way Arsenal continue to improve and perform.
I’m never one to wish my life away, it’s far too short as it is but I’m already looking forward to next season because if the club have another productive summer, a busy summer, as Edu said, Mikel Arteta should have a more balanced, deeper and stronger squad which is capable of closing the gap between the top two clubs in England and Arsenal.
See you in the comments.
Morning Rico. He’s certainly done some solid groundwork this season, especially with energising the fans again. He clearly recognises how important they are. He has a plan and a new contract seems absolutely the right thing now. If we manage to have a good transfer window and he keeps all the players with him, then I’m optimistic.
Another step forward in the club’s plan , It creates a feeling of stability and those that are happy now can continue to be so.
Now comes the challenge of winning over any waverers , getting them to stay on board and supplementing the team with players that want to come for other than just financial return.
This weekend could be pivotal if it goes well we would be back in pole position going into Thursday and a draw there would be a good result.
And if Tottenham can slow down Liverpool’s quest for a quadruple then a draw there would not be such a bad thing either.
Morning Adam. That’s pretty much how I feel too. He and Edu, backed by the Kroenke family, have done a lot of good things. Next season is the big one I think.
The waverers are mostly online I think, some of whom will never be pleased.
My preference is for Liverpool to batter Totts tonight, purely because it’s best for us.
Thanks for the post Rico, Come On You Scousers…
Yes it’s all very positive, Mikel is a smart cookie and always seems to say the right thing.
Liverpool have built much of their success on the connection between the fans and the team, it’s something Bill Shankley recognised back in the 1960’s and that relationship has carried the Scousers through some difficult times and helped them win games they probably shouldn’t.
We suffered at Crystal Palace a few weeks ago where they’ve, out of nowhere, developed this vociferous fanbase that is making Selhurst Park a difficult venue to win at, especially as it was a guaranteed 3 points for Arsenal only a few years earlier. It shows the value of a united fanbase and it’s connection with the players and visa versa.
Maybe empty stadiums has concentrated the minds of some football people towards the value of the fans, well those who care to think about it beyond the £ note signs – so that doesn’t include the tossers at UEFA as the annual ticketing scandal for their finals continues.
For Arsenal, our fans are the most partisan currently that I can remember in the era of all-seater stadiums and certainly since I stood on the terraces in the late 1980’s, I hope the fans have the faith to stay with club as Liverpool fans would stay with their club through disappointments? Arteta is doing all he can to grow the fan/player relationship and I guess we’ll see the value of it over the next four games…
in that respect yes but “”quadruple “” ?
lets just settle for anything but a Totts win.
Agree re the fans Kev, without them onside, Arteta might have been toast by now, especially if Covid hadn’t kept fans away. Everything fell his way in many ways. Also, I think the Kroenke family need to be appreciated now too. Josh is on the same page as Arteta it seems and vice versa. Perhaps they too have looked and learned from the way Liverpool have done things. I dislike the club, but no one can suggest they’ve not been run exceptionally well.
I don’t think they will win the PL Potter and the CL won’t be a breeze either. Chelsea might wake up in time for the FA Cup too.
Good day Rico and all.
Although I think the contract extension is a bit premature, it’s a good thing from a publicity point of view and gives a feeling of togetherness and stability as we approach the summer transfer window.
I’m sure the Spuds would be wishing the rumours of Conte wanting out would go away but that prospect will hang over them for a few weeks yet.
I’m with you Rico, I too hope the Scousers beat them tonight, where Liverpool finish is immaterial to me.
Afternoon Rico and all
I hope Liverpool beat Totts tonight the less points Totts get the better for us.
Afternoon Cicero, agree. Stability is crucial for any club. Look at the mess going on at Chelsea, Utd and even Totts. We’re an attractive proposition for new players I think. Just hope we get to see more younger players get their chance next season.
Hi Geoff.
@ Rico 12.10
Well yes, you know I can’t stand Liverpool either, but it’s mainly because of the Press and Media bullshit that surrounds them, the club itself has been brilliantly run since Herr Hampsteads took over. I also think that Fenway have been better than KSE and have been really smart In financing the Anfield rebuild.
I guess my beef with Stan is that he can quite happily and competently finance a World Class Stadium In Los Angeles at Inglewood but I haven’t as yet seen any equally exciting plans to expand and improve the Arsenal stadium. I really don’t think that funds should be hived off from the transfer budget to do some low budget improvements to Ashburton Grove.
Why aren’t KSE discussing plans to increase our stadium to 70,000 for example?
It seems that there’s never any obstacles to funding the LA Rams but Arsenal can only spend what they earn, you know, just like Man City and Chelsea and Tottenham and probably Newcastle…
Hi Rico and all,
It was a bit premature to my taste, but this is their job, maybe they felt that it will boost the confidence of the whole team to the right direction for the last few games.
Among those the one against Leeds could be the easiest, as they don’t fighting relegation (yet) at full speed, it’s a home game, and we have a good track record against them (unlike Everton). However it could be a tough test, as our past victories came against big teams with strong midfield, so Elneny was indeed the right player to stand in for the injured Partey. But tomorrow we are expected to dominate midfield, where Mo is half a man advantage, so I sincerely hope that Mikel realized and understood that, and would start Lokonga (even Azeez or Salah-Eddine) alongside Xhaka. I have my doubts, but maybe I’m just a cynical @$$hole.
Anyway, the dice have been cast now…
I understand all of that Kev but I do wonder if much of our lack of investment was down to having joint owners until more recently and then Raul ran the show which was dreadful. Now that it seems the two Kroenke’s are backing Arteta, things have started to improve. Also, let’s not forget that until more recently, our outgoings were hideous and we couldn’t sell players because no one wanted them or simply refused to pay them the kind of salary Arsenal had given them.
Re the stadium, it’s taken a lot of success and income for Liverpool to extend theirs, maybe we’ll do the same when success brings in more money. I’d, CL football money.
Hi Pbarany, Elneny to start tomorrow imo, why change something which has been working? At this stage in the season, just get the job done.
Yes Rico, I accept all that and you’re right of course, I mean how could I ever dare to even think of disagreeing 😄
So I guess that the next few years will show us how ambitious KSE really are in regards to the clubs’ infrastructure and that it’s not just PR guff.
Liverpool will soon have a bigger capacity than us, Wolves are planning a 50,000 rebuild, West Ham and Tottenham are big earners from their stadiums, Man Utd are already thinking of expanding to 80,000, Newcastle are sure to expand, Everton will have a state of the art stadium in a couple of years, if you stand still you just fall behind.
Peter are you being controversial in order to spike a debate?
I mean drop Elneny for Azeez or Salah Eddine?
Surely you jest my friend…
Ha ha Kev.
I guess the plans will depend on how many numbers on the ST waiting list. Didn’t the numbers severely reduce in the last few years of Arsene? If there’s little chance of filling a bigger stadium, I can’t see it being expanded. That could all change though but yes, this is when we’ll see how ambitious the Kroenke family are.
An increase in seating for the fans would be nice but I would prefer to pay at least another 50% off our current loans / debt first just in case we have another season interrupted by Covid or similar.
Not for me, can’t live life on it’s and maybes.
Chelsea drop two points..
Hope that shower of shite up the road drop 3 points Rico!!
Rico.. The race for 3rd is on – come on let’s do it!!! The Chavs dropping points like there’s no tomorrow, you love to see it!
You mentioned the ST waiting list; I’m on it 42,671
Me too Lee, me too..
Sure is Sue. Well there must be thousands after you so don’t think filling a bigger stadium would be a problem..
Sue or anyone , do you want two tickets for the Everton match ? Block 10 lower tier second to back row. obviously at proper price plus the transfer fee.
Hi Potter.. how much are we talking?
Brighton 1-0 up.
Hi Sue , sorry but my son has already sorted some friends of his and hadn’t told me . We have been striken with Covid here and things got a littlke out of kilter . But they would have been about £ 35.00 . if we do sell them on we would only sell at face value but it all depends on which catagory they are rthuis one is a Cat B . Apologies again try the exchange but be quick because apparently tomorrows game sold in about 20 minutes.
Brighton 2-0. 😂
Hope your family don’t feel too rough with Covid Potter.
3-0. 😂
4-0 🤣
No problem, thank you anyway, Potter. I’m always checking the exchange, to no avail though tickets really are sparse!!
Hope you’re over covid!
Graham Potter really is a good manager… imo anyway.
I hope that Potter doesn’t end up at Tottenham
Me too. Or Newcastle…
I’ve a horrid feeling Totts are going to smash a grab a win…
Not sure how this is going to end, Liverpool all over the Spuds but they are holding out for now, but are showing almost nothing going forward.
Result of the season? Brighton 4 – 0 Manchester United.
Rangnick the worst Man U manager since they were relegated in 1973/4?
Liverpool equalized through Diaz!!!
Perfect result from the game tonight. Tottenham didn’t win, and neither did Liverpool.
Rico, Kevin, I have to admit you made me worry. As you are both devoted and knowledgeable fans of both this fine game and Arsenal, if you didn’t understand what I meant there is a good chance that I have over-complicated things. Yet I try to give it another try hoping that in fact you have under-complicated the same things, but eventually tomorrow’s game will tell.
At the end of the day my main point is that players – even at the same position – are seldom/never comparable in a binary way. They have slightly different skill sets, different strengths and weaknesses therefore I would refrain from saying A is better than B in general, but rather A offers more in a certain challenge (against a specific opponent) than B. Putting form aside Lacazette’s hold up play could be more promising against a team than Eddie’s poaching style. On the left wing Martinelli is more lethal than ESR with his dribbling and crossing skills, but I would not say Gabi is better than Emile as the latter has an advantage in chance creation as well as cutting and passes/shooting from the middle. Similarly Mertesacker was half the man marker of Koscielny, but his defensive positioning skills often made him the better performing defender.
Sorry I got carried away. Back to Elneny. He is a very defensive minded DM, with him on the field our 4-2-3-1 is often in fact 4-1-4-1. Which makes sense if there is a genuine need to help out the defenders – as there really were against Chelsea, Manchester United and West Ham. However I honestly believe that with a ball possession and midfield superiority we cannot really afford Mo on the pitch. So to make the long story short, Rico (which is really not my strong suit), we should be changing something that is working, as the 2 games are – could be – quite different, and I think we should approach our tactics differently as well. (I kind of think that our frequent downturns this season are directly attributed to Arteta not realizing that successive games could be very different, and seldom make changes after a win, but I would rather not reopen this topic, so won’t mind celebrating the contract extensions.)
Kevin, I would prefer to see Xhaka and Lokonga together, so Azeez would not be my first choice partner along Granit, but would probably pick him ahead of Mo. I often jest, but never without a smiley. 🙂
If I was, God forbid, a Liverpool supporter I would be very disappointed tonight. They just couldn’t find a way round the
Spuds bus.
I suppose Conte deserve a little credit for instilling some defensive solidity in his team.
Not the worst result for us, three points against Leeds tomorrow will give us a bit of a cushion.
My grass is growing quite well.
Good night all.
I said earlier that a draw was a good result . All we have to do is beat Leeds because in the end it’s what we do that matters most
In the four games we have left Peter there is really no room for any error so whilst I have some sympathy for adapting the team and tactics to each and every forthcoming opponent I’m not sure that I’d be risking Lokonga or anyone else that we have available in any of the games coming up as I don’t think, as it stands, any of them have the required skill set or experience to make any difference, in fact quite the opposite.
I know that Elneny isn’t ever going to be the most expansive of players, even if he was showing signs of being more progressive in our last match, but he’s a safe pair of hands and with so little wiggle room I’d be more inclined to stick with his defensive reliability than anyone else.
I suspect that tomorrow’s game vs Leeds is going to be 90 minutes of stress, with an edgy crowd impacting on an edgy team. We certainly don’t want to go a goal behind as that’ll be terrible, so safety first and squeeze out a narrow win. Despite the anxiety…
I understood your view Pbarany I just don’t agree. Why try and repair something which isn’t broken? I agree with Kev, we’re at the end of the season and with so much on offer, juggling players around now would be foolhardy imo. The only change I would expect to see is White if he’s 100% fit but even if he is, I’d like Holding to start because he deserves it.
New post up now.
We absolutely agree, Kevin, that there is really no room for any error. I don’t think it has to do much about the last 4 games, but you could be right on experimenting might be welcome in the first half of the season. My point is that starting Elneny against a defensive minded team like Leeds (who played 5-4-1 last round) is more experimenting that starting Lokonga, who already played well against teams like Burnley, Aston Villa, Watford and Newcastle who are – in my opinion – more similar opponents than Chelsea, MU or West Ham.
But we’ll know more in the afternoon.