Emmanuel Adebayor, ex Arsenal centre forward was sold by us to Manchester City for a staggering amount of money. Once he had gone he told all that he never wanted to leave us but he did feel loved by his new set of fans. He started well for his new club but it was clear he became restless and was dropped to the bench. January saw him loaned to Real Madrid under Jose but it’s looks unlikely he will stay there.
Having had a dig at Manchester City whilst in Spain it seems he has little to no chance of playing for them again and a summer move looks on the cards. I have many fans comments suggesting we should try and get him back, he’s a big striker and we lack just that right now. I did give a thought to a return to Arsenal but I soon went back to watching my paint dry on the kitchen wall.
I cannot see that move ever happening and we should go backwards in this particular case, he had his script with us, he chose to fluff his lines.
Interestingly enough though, he’s touting for a move to London, to our little rivals down the road – now that would bring a little bit more spice into the North London Derby wouldn’t it?
This is his latest comments:
I heard about the chants and I felt so bad because, before joining Real Madrid, my first choice was Tottenham.
When I heard the songs I didn’t take it seriously. I didn’t take it in a bad way at all but people have to realise we are footballers. Today we play for this club and the next day we might end up playing for them.
I would go there and sign for them. Maybe those fans were furious because I was scoring against them and ending their dream of reaching the Champions League final. Fans have to try to control their emotions, as we do as footballers.
He’s such a twit isn’t he?
On to some sensible news, Martin Keown has again spoken about his old club and not for the first time either over the last few months. Everything he says seems positive and again he has reiterated his belief that we are to have a big shake up in the summer.
I’m starting to think that this man knows something, maybe a lot more than we think too.

According to football audio.com, Martin Keown has said:
You have to feel there will be changes. I think Arsene Wenger has almost over-estimated what they are capable of and they have let him down, so it is a shared responsibility when the team does not do well and collective praise when they do. I am sure everyone will look at themselves, and that they will bounce back.
Arsenal are not far away, it is not all doom and gloom. With the right collection of players with experience and strength of leadership, then I think Arsenal can win something next season.
Well I hope Martin Keown is in the know and I hope he’s making his comments to reassure us fans that something IS being planned by Arsene Wenger and to keep the faith. It’s not the first time he’s been interviewed and dropped hints about changes this summer.
Maybe this time he’ll be right…
Have a good day all…..
Merlins Comment from O/N
Merlin96 says:
May 13, 2011 at 1:04 am (
Rico, oyu story should be the “Elephant and Twig” and I beleive it is form Thailand on how they train elephants.
When young, they are tied to a log and tried as much as they resist, they can’t and eventually they learned the lesson on the futility of resisting against the log.
And wehn they are full-growth, the handler will just tie a twig to them and the elephant will remain passive, unresisting after learning years of lessons from tying to a heavy log.
Same as Arsene Wenegr’s Trianign Method of dividing the pitch into quadrants with intensive 5-on-5 training wiht “green”a nd “red” light, emphasis being on hsort-passing game, retianign possession and the quickness to find an “open” player.
Unfortunately, not all of ‘em are Henry, Bergy, Pires, Vieira and Fabregas – their quickness of thought, their peripheral vision, their football brain that spotted a passing channel a split second or 1 or 2 moves ahead of their opponents.
And you ended up with dreadful players like Theo, a flat-track bully, all balzing pace with astute defenders shuttling him into blind alley to froce him to cross the ball on a wing and a prayer…..
I was so impressed with him on hsid ebut with his fien anticipation to cut-out attacks, steppign in front of the opponent to intercept, as well as his unrestraint ability to spray diaognal and long passes to running players down the flanks.
Alas, like a “Twigged Elephant”, all his creativity and long passes had bene bred out of him like a “Twigged Elephant”…and Crab Football as if he is afraid to commit a mistake with a stray pass…just short and ‘accurate” sideway and abckward passes gauranteed virtually 99% completion rate?
Sure fine ball retianign skill, but so brainless that he is holding up sqift coutner-attack by dwelling on the balls….2 or 3 or 4 twists and turns beofre he passes the ball to an Arsenal players…surorudned by 3 or 4 defenders who ahd predicted and anticipated his passing channels.
Chamakh? Bendtner?
Even see a striker cum centre forward who did 360 degree turning int eh box…who isntinctively looking for a pass isntead of creating that space to shoot at goal?
That my friend shows what a dreadful mess Wenger had nurtured into this bunch of his “worldclass” youngsters like “Twigged Elephants”..slavishly following his instrucitons to the letter, dots all the ‘I’ and crosses all the ‘t’..and only remember short-and-quick passes inside the box to find an open channel even with a gapping goal 5 yards out begging for a shot at it.
That my friend is a classic “5-on-5 Intensive Wenger Coaching method” when you saw Chamakh, 5 yard out with a clear shooting change, opted to thread a pass through 2 defenders to an “Arsenal player in the clear” to shoot instead.
Morning all,
Lardy to the Tiny Totts 😆
Morning rico,
Good write up, Ade is better down the road I think, probably come back and haunt us but we can live with it. Martin Keown has been very vocal of late Angling for a position maybe or as you say in the know.
Mr Keown should be back as number 2. I can’t see any of the current players standing up to him when he gives them the truth about their performances.
Morning Steve,
Ade is his own worst enemy and I think he struggles to settle anywhere – he upsets his team mates with too much chat and a bit like Nik, he thinks he’s better than he is. Always starts well with a new club then takes his place for granted and his game suffers.
He should have stayed with us and knuckled down…
As for Keown, I hope Wenger will employ him again 😉
Keown would be a no nonsence man, thats for sure Will, i still smile about the RVN penalty….
Hi Will, good points, I have been thinking about the No2 spot and was hoping for an outsider, but the more I think about it, the more a Keown seems more sensible, what has disappointed me is the lack of vocals from Pat over the years, but have gone along with it because he was a legend and years of knowledge but I would like to see more involvement and more vocals with the incoming man. The way Keown talks seems quite obvious that he see’s things differently and that at the end of the day is what we need
I would love to be there to see any of the current lot stand up to him.
I would love to have keown back. Why not use him as a defensive coach, as well as being an assistant manager?
And I really hope there’s truth in what he’s saying. THat massive changes are going to be made this summer.. I’m not holding my breath though…
Keown is a winner who speaks the truth. He would instil in this lot what it is to be Arsenal and what walls they have to run through.
Who can see him sitting calmly on the bench as wave after of wave of high balls are coming into our box?
Hi Will, if he was part of the coaching team we wouldn’t see the high balls into the box, he’d sort that out…
Hi DK..
I think Keown would teach the defenders how to battle.
He might also encourage AW to get an English CH….
Steve, re Parky – did you see the article on NN, I didn’t know he already works for AFC..
‘Parkinson has been working for the club in a scouting role in recent weeks and is highly regarded within the game as a coach and motivator. He is believed to have rejected other offers to work for Arsenal’.
HI rico.
Does anyone know what tony Adams is doing? I know he’s a manager somewhere? Wouldn’t it be great if we GOt him back among the staff? With him and keown, we surely wouldn’t concede so many goals would we? I’ve spoken about it yesterday, but if we had some real pacy wingers, our game would get another dimension… go out and buy A. Young already! 🙁
I agree with the pacy wingers.
Morning Rico, morning Gooners, i always thought it was a bloody shame when Adebayor turned charlie, he was, on his day, a great centre-forward, dynamic, great in the air with bags of pace. The problem with him has always been between his ears.
Will, i would love to see Martin Keown back at AFC. You can see his passion for AFC when he’s on TV, unfortunately i can’t see it happening as, for some reason, Wenger hasn’t encouraged him back to our training ground. Also i think he’s found a nice easy living in the media. Shame!
He is managing in Azerbaijan DK… a club called Gabala FC.
Maybe that’s where these rumours started then rico, I have a feeling that Keown would be a bit much for Wenger to endure, if I speak the truth and at the end of the day it will probably be his say so, so a Keown is not on the cards disappointingly.
Thinking about it, who is better than Keown to instil that Arsenal spirit in the boys?
I suppose we can olnly speculate, same as the signings – right now we don’t know that PR is retiring for definate..
Steve, I thought Parky was your choice and the other report copied you 😉 But i didn’t realise he was scouting for us – the plot thickens….
Morning kev
He’s a twit, he had it all on a plate with us, like you say, not too much between his ears…
He’ll just go from club to club all his career no doubt….
Morning AK, 25mill can certainly make up our managers mind pretty quick shame he didn’t spend it, you had an erection today son
Rico, if that report about Parkinson already working for us is correct, maybe he’s just treading water until Pat retires? I hope, if he gets the job, that he can instill a bit of backbone into our powderpuff defence…
Steve, you stole my thunder…..I’m getting more and more concerned for him!! 😉
Rico, it’s tragic really, Adebayor could have been a monster for us, what a berk…
Stevie P, ha ha, it’s Friday 13th, not a good day to stick one up, it would probably disappoint…. So today it’s all about digging….ugh.
Lee, don’t worry mate, i’ve been sleeping really well, but thanks for your concern all the same…
To honest Rico, if Ade hadn’t been such a pillock last season, against us, i’d be tempted to have him back…
kev – trust me, he will, he was Reading’s Keown 😉
Morning Lee 🙂
A day of smut ahead i see, please note there is no space after the ‘a’ 😳
Anybody know how Tony Adams is doing, when i last looked awhile ago, it seemed as if he was doing really well and had taken his club forward?
Morning guys, Ade knows his place in London eh
Yeah Rico, SP might be right about bringing someone in from outside the club. New broom, new ideas, a fresh approach? And Rico, i promise, no more posts-talk, ok boss
I’ll go find out kev and you post talk all you like, i’m certainly not offended, i’ts good fun banter, we all need that 🙂
Boo Erick, Howdy? Long time no see, all well with you??
I see that AFC are being linked, again, with Serdar Tasci of Stuttgart, anyone think there’s any truth to that one, and is he any good anyway?
Personally, if AFC don’t go for Cahill, my next choice would be Vertonghan, you know what your getting with Ajax players…
They are fifth in their league, nineteen points behind the leaders 🙁
Adams get £1M a year
AW £6M a year….
WATH named a defender from Ajax kev, not Vertonghan, the other one?? I thought the same as you as he used to pair up with TV for them…
Samba would still be a great addition too…
She’s a tough un, you keep your a to yourself rico
Yeah Rico, i’m warming to Samba, not sure about other Ajax c/h, but i was talking to a Dutch guy , some weeks ago, and they all really rate Vertonghen at Ajaw and think he’d do a great job at AFC.
Wonder how long TA will stay out there? I believe that his wife & family are out there now, so maybe at least another year or two?
Boo! Hello, everyone. I probbly shouldn’t be but I’m excited(ish) about our summer purchases.
Hello, AK. How are you? You seem busy with… stuff? 😛
Erick, where have you been? 🙂
rico, I’ve emailed you. 🙂 🙂
I can hear shopping news coming up i’m off catch you all later.
See ya later SP
Agag, what’s more to the point, what about ‘your’ summer purchases, how’s the retail therapy going?
Oh excuse me, Hi Agag
😆 Steve, i will..
Steve, why are males so averse to shopping?? 😛
No summer purchases, AK. I am saving for a sunny day. We all want more of those. 😀 How are you??
i think he’s the beast we need kev…
hi agag, i’ll go peep 🙂
enjoy shopping steve 🙂
I’m fine thank’s agag [and i love shopping]. Been building a fench, but it’s a lot of aggro, won’t bore you with the details.
Anyhow you seemed to have had a nice holiday, well earned no doubt. Did you see any footie on TV during your hols.
The weather here has been spectacular for this time of the year, hope it continues throughout the summer.
I know it was only one game [last weekend on TV], although i’ve seen him do it before, but Samba really puts himself on the line Rico, his determination, they shall not pass attitude reminds me of Nigel Winterburn, and i just loved Nigel…
i hope for agag’s sake she didn’t kev 😉
Rico, ha ha. Yes that would have driven her to a case load of GG i’m sure…
I’ve been working on some ideas, got a couple of rough sheets, hope to finish it off over the weekend, so stand by boss…..
absolutely kev, i hope what he said about january was true and wenger tries again…
A whole case of George Graham kev 😉
No footie, AK! And thank God! I asked a shop keeper in an AC Milan kit whether he knew what our results were; and he laughed at my reaction cause I wouldn’t believe him. Turns out he was speaking the truth. Eeeeek.
Good to hear about your good weather. Go get sunning! 🙂
rico, seen my mails yet? 🙂
Weeds has disappeared again. Lol.
Good news then kev, looking forward to receiving it – the closed season is going to be quiet times no doubt so any help is great news for me 🙂
Rico, GG, ha ha. It’s his attitude i like, that bloody-minded ‘over my dead body’ approach. I’m sure it would rub off on the others, but i’d get him with the domestic game in mind. I don’t know about you Rico, but i was a bit worried about how Djourou’s form went to pieces, i had hopes that he had sorted his head out, but we cannot afford a dozing c/h at set plays.
It’s a bit too hot for me agag, i burn easily. But i got some monster holes to dig later on, good for my fitness….
Yeah Rico, i’ll do my best. And maybe the close-season is the best time anyway. I’ve always been a letter writer, had an AFC pen-friend in Malta for over 35 years, and now i write to his son.
No GG where I went. Que horror! rico, admit it, you’ve stashed some away.
AK, it would be nice to read your work. 🙂 35 years!!! Oh my. That’s a loooong time.
agag, i have just been reading and looking at the pics, what can i say, but wow… the waters look stunning 🙂
Agag, i had a letter printed in the programme, and this guy from Malta, wrote to me out of the blue and we’ve been corresponding ever since. I used to send him the progs, both home & away, but as the progs are getting the size of War & Peace i don’t bother anymore, the postage was getting horrendous.
OK ladies, i have to get me shovel out. Have a good one, and hope to see ya both later, ta ta.
Maybe JD played too many games, first season back for a while, wenger over did him, again this shows how much wee needed to buy another CH last summer and definately in jan… he’ll be ok but i think TV will play the last two fixtures…
Samba would be perfect – especially for the roughtie toughtie matches 😉
35 years, thats a whole lot of arsenal stories in there kev i bet 😉
you go steady in the garden…
That’s a good story, AK. Might be worth a write. 😀 Enjoy your soil toil, sir! 🙂
rico, the waters were splendid. I keep telling you, come on over. 🙂 (and yes, you keep telling me about planes, I know. 😛 )
agag 😆
AGAG, where are you in Asia? BTW hiya Rico!
Manila, Lee. 🙂 The Home of… Pollution and Uncollected Rubbish. Ahaha.
Lee 😆
A bit further over seas 😉
Got a few pals in Samui…but serious “wrong-uns!” 🙂
Those, too. 🙂 Haha.
Samui looks very honeymoony, Lee. You been??
Nah, not done that part of the world…but would love to…maybe the 10yr over-due honey-moon!!
I hate flying Lee, especially that far 🙁
What do guys think about the link to Gameiro?
Not been to Samui, either. Soon, I hope. 🙂
Lots of fantastic beaches in the Phils., Thailand, and Malaysia, Lee. I’m sure the missus would love it. 😉
Bendy seems intent on recovering…
I think Bendy is on his way agag and maybe even chamakh too…
Chamakh will come good. He just needs to play more. It’s the behind the scenes stuff about him that may be his undoing though.
I don’t want chamakh to go, he did well when he first arrived and he will get better, nik though, i hope he’s the first out the door…
i read that chamakh has a super injuction, didn’t know that, any idea what he’s been up to??
There are claims of a sex video or some such stuff re: Chamaka, rico. Ick. What a very Terry/Cashley thing to do.
I guess Bendy can go… that is, if there are takers though. 🙂
chamakh started so well, i think he’ll be ok but rvp & benzema is the partnership i’d like to see…but as a lot of hh’s say we need pacy width too, to help mix it up!
“With the injuries to Van Persie and [Nicklas] Bendtner, I found myself at the forefront of things from the outset,” Chamakh explained.
“When they came back, people said I had lost my place. Well, actually it’s more that Van Persie logically got his place back.
“He’s an excellent player, a phenomenon. I still have a way to go yet and I’m here to learn. That said, if I can bring that little bit extra to the team, all the better.”
Chamakh added that he hopes Arsenal can end the season strongly, after the disappointment of losing the Carling Cup final derailed their campaign.
“Right up until the end of February, we were competing on every front,” he said.
“Then we lost the League Cup final and we started asking ourselves questions.
“Everything happened very quickly, the Champions League came: we played well in the first leg against Barcelona, and then we blew the return.
“In hindsight, the League Cup left its mark on us. It’s my first season with the club, but it’s been a long time that my team-mates want to win something.
“All that’s left for us is to finish the season as best as possible.”
Silly chap then agag and i’m sure some club will fall for nik’s ability 😉
lee, i think he has what it takes, i’d keep him but def yes on benzema from me….
Back shortly, walkies time 😉
Hi all!
I’m going to read the newspapers.
Next sunday, I’ll watch Ajax-Twente on Tv. Keep an eye in the Ajax central backs…
see you later
Hi JM and Bye JM 😉
Reported Arsenal target Florian Lejeune will leave FC Istres for a ‘very big team’ before the end of the week, his agent has claimed.
The 19-year-old is being hailed as the ‘new Laurent Blanc’ in France and has gathered numerous admirers for his imperious displays in Ligue 2.
“We will sign a contract in three of four days with a very big team,” his representative Claude Cauvy told Sport.co.uk.
“The club asked to remain anonymous until after the weekend. It is a very big club, in the top five. I think the contract will be tied up by the end of Saturday or Sunday. We have offers from five or six clubs and I think the player has decided who he will join.
“The team have asked me not to say anything but we are hopeful a deal can be done.”
‘A Very Big Team’ in the top five…
Rules us out then 😉
Afternoon .
Not us rico to early
Hi Steve – i thought the same, can’t see AW being that organised 😉
the only chance we have is if ha comes on a free
Or crocked, passed it etc 😉
that means he’s not coming to us then sorted
He’s too young anyway Steve, 19.. We already have an English 19 year who looks pretty good…
Wenger usually leaves things pretty late, unless the new guy has done a deal
he cant afford to this summer Steve, not if he’s going to finally show us he wants us stronger…
Good news:
UEFA club coefficients. I think the top eight teams that qualify get seeded and go into pot 1 and Arsenal are sixth. Follow tthis site:
Teams & players – UEFA.com
If Porto win (or not) the League Cup, reach the first 8. But, it’s upgrade with this year League tables?
back in a bit, dinner needs….
good post..
ade is not needed back here..
we we need someone like him..someone thats good enough to bang you 30 goals a season..
but not him we need someone for the cause and not an idiot..
i think keown should come back in a coaching role with bouldie..the pair of them should drill the defense..
paddy should be number two..if you read his comments yesterday hes got a massive winning mentality..
train set pieces, freshen up our attacking threat with more variety, learn how to be organised and learn how to win matches….
also, this will need money as we need new players…
Hi jj, agree, no thanks to ade either, he burned his bridges with us and will do at every club he plays for – his sulking is worse than Anelka….
Good read once again.no to ade.
Hi Rico, Rosicky has done his leg, he’s out for 5 weeks…
Koscielny is out of the Villa game. looks like Vermaelen will get a start, unless AW wants to spice things up by pairing Djourou with Squillaci…
Next year’s CL will be very tough.the likes of Bayern/Milan are looking to spend big with the former having already signed Neur and will buy new defenders.the latter have already signed mexes and Taiwo.inter have expressed interest in hazard.city/chavs/mancs will definitely spend.Arsene has said they are looking everywhere to strengthen and i hope he stays true to his word as we are in danger of being left behind.
Hi Kt, thanks – no way for ade but i think its funny he’s touting for a move to the swampies…
Hi kev – JD and Squilli always seems to work but I reckon it will be TV and Squilli…. Rosicky, well maybe he is not injured, he’s been sold already and packing his bags….
I thought the Neur deal was on the verge of collapsing Kt??
jet starts for cardiff
KT, got any view on Morgan Amalfitano of Lorient?
Rico, i do hope Rosicky goes this summer, with the exception of a few goals when he first joined, i think that TR has been a total waste of money.
Anyone think Wenger might have Lansbury in the squad Sunday?
or did i mean neuer 😉
kev, you toad, he’s in tomorrows post 😉
i’m all for Henri starting on sunday kev- i love him…
I hope Cardiff get battered 🙂
AK I agree.rosicky was a favourite of mine but nowadays he has lost it.its sad how his injury destroyed him.on Amalfitano i don’t know much about him but i’ll research.
Sorry boss, my lips are sealed….
Rico Neur is heading to Bavaria.it will be announced when the window opens.€18 mil that may rise to €32mil depending on bonuses,appearances and trophies.
Apparently madrid have rejected a €30mil bid for Benzema…i guess that kind of rules us out.
*from juventus*
KT how much did Real pay for Benzema?
Wonder how the season ticket re-newals are going?
My guess…..slow.
juventus are looking for their next david treveget and we need our next henry..
we should get benzema..
give them clichy and 25 mil
jesting kev, you carry on my dear 🙂
Kt, just another rubbish story i read then about the deal hitting a brick wall, at least he’s not coming to another club in the PL…
we already have our so called next Henry, the only problem is, Wenger won’t give him the same freedom….
Rico, i know, i was just about to ‘hop off’, croak…
18M Euros, what is that? 12 – 14M sterling… that is so so cheap for a top class keeper….
I reckon £25million would get Benzema, and if he goes for that, and Arsenal don’t try to get him, then i really will be pissed with Wenger & AFC.
What do you think Rico?
benzemas an overall better striker..
if we had benzema, robin and theo next year we would be dangerous
they would all compliment eachother in a 2 uptop formation and they could all play in a three up top formation
we could even drop rvp into the hole and play benzema up front with two of either theo/nasri/hazard..
supported by two solid midfeilders..
if we sold cesc and bought benzema and hazard we wouldnt miss him
rvp/nasri/hazard could all play his position..
JJ sounds good to me, think we need to sign two strikers this summer. I’d like Gameiro as well for a bit of back-up.
kev – you need to think about one thing only, when has Wenger paid 25M for anyone?
We can all talk about how he would be the perfect player for us but it just isn’t going to happen sadly…
The guy from Lorient seems far more likely, Gameiro… oh, and his mate 😉
jj, but didn’t you say we should keep Cesc??
we could always keep arshavin..
had a rethink
re cesc – ”rvp/nasri/hazard could all play his position’..
I don’t think anyone of them could do what Cesc does…
jj 😉
For me personally, Ramsey is the only one anywhere near being able to do what Cesc does…
Halsey has been conned….
not in this formation..
cesc is playing as a number ten..
ramseys a number 8
I know exactly what you mean Rico, but i just wonder if Kroenke might lean on him [gently] to make a marquee signing.
Periodically AFC do push the boat out in the market, and although i know where KT is coming from and that sadly he’ll probably be correct, i’m just hanging onto the chance that Le TightWad may actually suprise us all.
Madrid paid €35mil for Benzema AK.
jj, we’ll have to agree to differ and what do numbers mean, diaby is a number 2 (well, actually he is a number 2 😉 )
AA should be playing the so called number 10 and by that i mean the DB role – he’s another player not played in the right place….
I just hope that if we get a Benzema sort of striker we don’t get a drogba/torres sitiuation in our hands.
kev, i always hope but – a marquee signing for AW would be 15 – 18M, We all know Wenger would rather buy two players costing 25M in total than just the one…
Like i say though, I live in hope to be wrong….
Kt, i have read many a report that suggests Benzema and RvP would not work together…. I see exactly where you are coming from…
I’d love Benzema but, if we could just get an Ian Wright kind of player i’d be happy, a player who will get 25 goals a season – and i wouldn’t care if he cost us 500k….
Kevin Doyle…. That’s the man I would love to see in red and white….
We should pay up and try and look good…. show some intent, no lidl action get to waitrose lively!!!! 🙂
You guys watching Reading v Cardiff….??
KT, That’s always a risk mate. What would be a bigger risk would be going into another season, building our attack around RVP and then having him out injured for 6 months after a Holland game.
Waitrose Lee, Waitrose???
Harrods 🙂
Good point kev but RvP is due a full season 😉
i think aa can play anywhere in the front four..
we have nobody else like benzema..
torres and drogba cant play togther
anyone of our strikers could compliment him..
Rico, i so hope you are right. If RVP gives us a full season, he’d get in the region of 25-30 EPL goals, and KT is bound to be right about anyway, so i’d better just lump it…
Just as well Wenger wasn’t our manager a year earlier than 1996. Because we wouldn’t have had the pleasure of Dennis Bergkamp for 11 odd years!
You would’ve thought ibra would be the perfect foil for pedro/messi with his physicality and aerial prowess but it didn’t.Benz/rvp may look good on paper but theo/rvp may work better at the same time allowing us to sign a winger.Benzema doesn’t press like theo can and if we are playing a 4-4-2 it will expose as down the middle and thats why mourinho didn’t play a single minute in the recent el classicos.
They can’t jj and we should go in for Drogba…
Reality is, there are players out there who can get us the goals, real clynical finishers… But, not all will cost 25M…
Me, i’m not holding out for big time signings, i’m holding out for signings with a big attitude and heart, a real ‘want’ to play for us and will lay his body on the line for Arsenal football club….
*play him*
Spot on kev,DB has to be our best player ever in his mould – that goodness DD, DF and Rioch sorted that one out eh, one day he’ll be back i’m sure…
Before we get Benzema, give Theo a chance, thats all I’d say….
I think most fans tend to forget AA plays as no.10 for Russia but he has been very poor.the russian media have given him alot of stick.he doesn’t have the stamina to do it in the PL.at the Euros when he sparkled he played as the left forward in an attacking trident.he said he prefers to play left of an attacking trident.Furthermore it would be very risky to build our team around such an unstable player.
rvp can play with theo and benzema
visa versa..
the club needs to show a change of attitude the feel good factor at the club is at an all time shiteness..
we need a pick me up we need some big names..
rvp is the only striker who can play lone man if needs be..
we need another and theos not able to do the benzema and theo could also play together
what we need and what we will get will be gulfs apart jj….
i’m not of the belief we won’t get players in and see players go out but, we won’t get the mega bucks signing. if we had to sign one though who cost money it would be cahill…..
nasri/theo—- rvp/nasri/hazard—– nasri/hazard
the attacking options are formidible
no cesc..
Arsenal need to make a statement after all the years of parsimony. What is the point of The Grove if all Wenger does is shop in Pound Land???
Its hard to argue with that jj but imagine all those with cesc…
i guess i am playing devils advocate… but i am also not getting carried away either…
defence has to be our first issue to resolve, surely then after that… who knows…
I could understand the club being carefull, post the stadium move, financially until the bulk of the debt had been paid. But frankly i’m a little weary of Arsenal’s small time mentality.
cesc could sit deep in a team like that..
play as a natural number 4..
an alonso type player..
he’d need a destroyer battleship next to him though if he is to play central midfeilder
AK don’t forget wenger said there are only 10 players in the world we can’t afford…
and then sort defence out
defence wont change over night though
signing a defender or two wont change a thing we cant train set pieces and a defender wont fix that alone..
the attacking options are easy to fix cos new players are all thats required in that area but the defence needs a overhaul…not as easy as it seems
i’m not so sure though jj, two big defenders would put to bed our defensive problems in one foul swoop…
all they need to be able to do is meet a cross/corner with their head and clear it 😉
simples 😉
KT, does anyone believe what Wenger says anymore???
I think we have conceded the least amount of goals from open play but the most from setpieces.if we are to limit the latter we’ll improve our results by a large margin.
I’m offski folks, have a good evening all,
Catch you all tomorrow,
night all….
Nite ricolicious.
NITE nite Rico. I’m looking forward to tomorrows post, hehe.
night rics
its not just the amount we concede ktr
we concede the most and we score the lesst
overall, not just defensively, we are shit at dead balls
how can we teach ourselves to defend them when we cant score from them?? we are not organised..
if we changed this and got it right we could take 7 goals off and add 7 points to our GD which would result in a 14 goal improvement..enough to have won us the league this year..
i dont understand why are so fixated on ball playing..theres not much ball playing you can do when the balls in the air just get on the end of it..
Goodnight JJ/KT
I also want to see theo on the halfway line during setpieces with jack/cesc on the edge of the penalty area ready to thread through balls to him.that should peg defenders back.
Night AK.
hi all!
Keown probably a good choice.
My attention for sunday match…
see you tomorrow
Been reading some of Arsene’s comments about City’s comments about Fabregas, Wenger’s answer was that he knew nothing about it, and if any club was interested in any of Arsenals Players, all they have to do is ring him. He said We will be looking to strengthen what we have at the moment, we have problems with set pieces which we will be looking to strengthen we are lacking height in the team apart from a couple at the back we will be looking for one maybe two.
He also mentions our flanks and didn’t feel the need for more in those positions as we have enough.
So reading between the lines 2 players at the back and that’s it, so I think we can forget the Benzema’s and the A Young’s and anybody else who is allegedly linked with us. Sounds about right from recent purchase years. Two six ft plus animals.
wengers not fooling anyone with those comments
he only dismisses mancitys comments he doesnt dismiss barcas or madrids
he also mentions nik b on the flanks..hes not looking for a wideman cos we have theo, nasri, aa and niki..wtf???? is he dumb?
and if he thinks the set piece problems are cos of height hes also daft..he says when we go to places like stoke without players like diaby we struggle..
oh good lord hes talking shite again hes going to waste another window..
New Post up….