Just a brief word on England last night before Kev’s post.
Rubbish, disorganised, naive, gutless, I could go on and if that’s the best they can manage, they deserve to be heading home. I truly hope that just because change is clearly needed, Roy Hodgson doesn’t rush Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain back and nor do I hope he throws Jack Wilshere into the starting eleven for the Costa Rica game. Leave them both out and let then come home fit!
England’s hopes now depend on Italy and if they can beat both Costa Rica and Uruguay and somehow, England can beat Joel Campbell’s side, they will go through to the knock-out stages. Come on Balotelli, you can do it!!
The Brazilian World Cup party just rumbles on though helping divert most of us away from our usual summer pastime of scanning the rumour mill.
The mill continues though and despite our diversion, we read a regurgitation of half-truths, old news and bare-faced lies. We might not be fully focused on it yet but don’t worry folks, all those loveable ITK’s are still out there in Twitter Land, giving it all they’ve got as they desperately crave our attention.
New rumour sites are appearing all the time, just have a look on NewsNow. All of them are trying to tempt us to click on, so that they can earn advertising revenue whilst cramming our systems with a whole host of worthless cookies…
Many of the stories follow a pattern, and after the links to Arsenal don’t materialise it’s always handy to claim that Wenger was outsmarted by West Ham or Everton or Darlington or whoever, as the said jobbing footballer goes elsewhere and the headline of ‘Wenger misses out again’ is rolled out…
It’s a common theme on these advertising generated rumour sites, just chuck in Arsenal’s name and there’s a serious increase in clicks. And clicks is what it’s all about as they draw us in with their story/rumour/fantasy/lie, dreamed up by some ‘has never been’ whose written/stolen/invented it, probably while sitting in his bedroom on the 18th floor of some block of flats in Queensbridge Road…
But I am not holier than thou, as I also partake of NewsNow, despite my best efforts to resist. But I do try my damnedest to be selective on which sites I click on. Most of the time you can get the gist of the piece by the end of the first couple of sentences and delete it if it’s pure rubbish or something stolen and repackaged.
There are several footballers names that continue to crop up on a regular basis and have been linked to Arsenal. Some of these names are linked on a daily basis and usually means that they ain’t coming to the Gunners. In quite a few cases that can often be a relief…
Past experience shows us that the more you read about Remy or Balotelli or Casillas, the more likely that Arsenal are not negotiating with them or their agents.
It’s the rumours that get a short airing then fade into the background that we should take more notice of and probably have more truth about them…
Take Draxler, six months ago all we got were denials from Schalke, he was not available according to them, and we didn’t hear a peep from the player or his agent. Now we hear that Arsenal make a bid for him and Schalke were happy to sell but Draxler, for whatever reason (financial probably) didn’t want to join us…
Draxler going public, to me, means that Arsenal’s interest in him is at an end. It remains to be seen it the player lives to regret his decision…….
Written by Allezkev
Transfer rumours:
Don’t think I’ll dare…… 😉
Ok, just one. Tony Pulis wants Joel Campbell on loan next season with Crystal Palace. Maybe Yaya Sanogo would be a better option….
Have a good day all and stay off of Newsnow….
Good Post, I like most Arsenal fans don’t care how much the players cost (Gilberto Silva was £3.5 million) but that we buy the right players to improve a decent squad and add the extra qualities needed and that we do this in a timely manner.
It would be nice to have these players in or on the verge now but if we have to wait to get the right players then so be it, but there does need to be an acceptance that we need more than one or two players as with players leaving and the need to add to the squad we need more like four or five.
Morning Kev and all..
Good post Kev, it’ll get a lot worse as the weeks go by, especially if we don’t soon sign players…
Why were you so kind to the English team Rico?
In that way the brass hats will continue to ignore the real reasons.
The problems stem from the top to the bottom.
4 years ago Capello was chastised because of loosing all three games. Hodgson came instead …… and is two thirds of the way there having lost two.
So the problems are the same.
England need just one thing……do away with the outdated coaching education, coaching system and the coaches and employ a team of foreign coaches who will work together to assess from the grass roots to the under 21 level not only how the boys are educated but also the level of coaching given.
In my country, if a coach does not do proper training sessions from which all players learn and if there is no adequate planning, the licence of that particular coach will be revoked and the coach will have to be re-assessed.
Brainless chickens would have been a more apt adjective to describe yesterday’s team.
Good post habib.
Good morning Sunshines and Moonrays.
Morning All,
Great post, it has only been in the last few years these rumour sites have gone out of control. Most, if not all of them are unreliable. I believe players we are interested in know about it and are probably told to keep quiet. How Brendan Rogers classified us as classless is beyond me.
Now, let us not waste time on the shambles we saw yesterday.
Ahhhh. Everyone’s favourite subject atm.
What about the Colombian keeper? He is Free transfer.
What about the Mexican keeper? He is Free transfer as well.
Then there is the small matter of Almunia. Free transfer as well. 🙁
Arsene loves Freebies. let’s hope they are the first two.
The ones that really make me laugh when I read around are when bloggers write, ‘I’m being told, or ‘I heard’ etc etc – when reality is the story is in one of the newspapers…
Morning Devil, Nickie..
You know I am a polite lass Devil…. 🙂
Vernat, I’m with you. What a player costs doesn’t always mean they’ll be a success or failure if cheap.
As long as we get what we need, I’ll be happy…
TV has denied he is heading to Utd…
Almunia?? Wash your mouth out Devil 😉
haha Rico, “just in” as they click the you have 2 new tweets button
a friend of mine pointed out that England lost both games 1-2 wheareas Spain, with all those FOOTBALLERS (not players) lost two games as well…..1-5 in one of them.
Ahhh yes. They lost two. But that same team won 1 WC and 2 EC.
Some of the English supporters beginning to feel like a spuddie. The last time England won something was before I was born…..66 was it?
For your own sake I hope that the English supporters are not hoping for the Spuddies to win the league when the year finishes with 1, because they will be waiting for a………..
Morning all.
Raheem Sterling. What did I say?
Exciting = Unpredictable – Unpredictable = Exciting.
The press’ ‘boy’ – the next big thing. The English Maradona. Yeh, right. So unpredictable that he’s totally predictable.
As I said the other day – loads of skill with no end product.
A bit like Cameroon.
You know it’s there, but there’s something lacking with that final ball.
England? England has always been the same.
…Ray Kennedy has said it as has Stan Bowles and Alan Hudson…. The England players play for themselves….
It’s either a case of wanting to be the archetypal in-your-face-tap-dancing-shepherd in the Christmas play with players holding on to the ball too long – or a case of playing nice safe and secure crab football like Ray Wilkins and Denilson where they can show a pass completion of 100%….
….Or you have players playing solely on reputation …. Rooney, Gerrard? Bobby Charlton back in 1970 ….
Thank god( like in 1970) that there were no Arsenal players on the pitch.
Would Gibbs have been as shite as Baines? I doubt it.
Would Wilshere have been as shite as Gerrard? I doubt it.
And Chamberlain? He is head and shoulders better than Sterling. Why? Because not only can run with the ball and take the same player on 13 times before losing it – he can pass.
It’s interesting that the guy that 50% of the ‘goonerdom’ blogosphere didn’t want has won triple player of the year, the golden boot and now he’s just dumped the country out of the world cup.
Form is temporary, class is permanent.
Morning All,
TV says he’s not going anywhere………… That’s him leaving then..!
🙂 Nickie..
Hiya Hell Raiser … ” England need just one thing……do away with the outdated coaching education……”
Education is something that is taught……. And it can only be taught if the pupil wants to listen …..
Would Gibbs have been as shite as Baines? I doubt it.
Would Wilshere have been as shite as Gerrard? I doubt it.
And Chamberlain? He is head and shoulders better than Sterling. Why? Because not only can run with the ball and take the same player on 13 times before losing it – he can pass.
Spot on Syg….
🙂 Wath, you are probably right…
What you said abut England’s problems is exactly what I’ve been saying about that country and my own….it’s why we can not compete.
If a dumb arse Aussie like me knows it, why don’t those that count?
It beggars belief.
Sometimes, when things are not going well, you need to take stock and get back to basics,a soften the problems are not that hard to find.
Then, you need to guts to do something about it.
Make tough decisions, cop a few years of pain and suffering, and as long as everyone involved…including the fans…can see the way forward has a clear and deliberate path, then it will be embraced.
If it ‘ain’t broke, don’t fix it, but if it ‘ain’t working get off your arse and change things!
Oh, and good morning all.
The other day, Lescott was on the verge of signing for Hull City…
Today it’s official, he’s signed for West Brom…
That sums up Sky Sports news 😉
If pupils are shown a different method and set obstacles with interesting methods of overcoming them…..they will listen mate
The problem lies with the coaches at club and national level.
They sell the easiest route. And the lads think they have made it before they begin.
Scott, could say the same thing to Arsene… 😉
Rico, I was thinking exactly that when posting.
If you are thinking what I’m thinking, then you’re slipping 🙂
Scott…..look at Belgium, Crotia, Switzerland etc……giant leaps in coaching and results. England……???? Giant leaps to stand still.
Of course those who count know it.
Think you’ll find Scott, that you are raising your standards… 😉
By the time Roy gets these players, the damage is done.
Kids should be taught how to play the game.
Once coaches can out their egos aside and forget about winning, things can change easily.
I’ve seen it over the last few year since Sean began playing at 5 years old…..coaches coaching to win.
Parents yelling at kids to win.
Parents offering kids money for every goal they scored,.
Now, these things happened in my side, but only once…I nipped them in the bud immediately, and my parents bought into what I was trying to teach their kids.
I saw it weekly with our opponents.
It sickened me, it really did.
Did you see when the camera panned to the crowd and there was a bell waving a Scottish flag!?!?
There is no winning mentality in this country.
The press loved us after the show v’s Italy. The thing is we lost. The English love smiling ass-hole losers….
We had Eddie the fcukng Eagle as an icon at the ’88 Winter Olympics. The worst ‘competitive’ sportsman ever….
Stick some stupid glasses on and look like a mong and the country loves you.
Maybe that’s Rooney and Hodgson’s next step …..
Touché, Rico hahahahaha.
Love that response 🙂
Devil, of course you are right.
It’s easier to go with the flow.
My dad….hardly a football fanatic….said today he believes the problem is too many overseas players in the League.
I asked straight back why is it that so every club has so many??
Point taken.
I cracked a joke with an English mate today, but really, it is not that funny.
I told him the best two British footballers playing today are both bloody Welsh!!!
I missed that, what a twurp!
SYG, you have a way with words mate hahahahaha.
In other sports the highest level and the best paid is International sport in the UK say in Cricket or Rugby. The financial rewards for these players in comparison to club or County are multiple times their salary.
Does that make them more committed I don’t know there is the fundamental differences in the sport as well to account for where a lack of commitment or lack of intensity or lack of team play has larger consequences.
If you look at a Lions tour where the different players who compete against each other have to bond and pull together you have to say that the bonding and Team commitment for England is severely lacking players like Rooney or Gerrard do not lack intensity or effort, Skill or quality at the very top end perhaps but there are others who have shrunk from the challenge rather than embraced it and if there are players like that then you will ultimately fall short.
Perhaps what is needed is not a squad or team with the best players but a team or squad with players whose sole aim is to excel in that shirt and environment and to pick the best team not the best players fitted in to the wrong positions.
The Balotelli transfer rumour shows there is no coordinated transfer policy now, just a mish mash strategy. Bringing a ‘character’ to London for such a hefty price tag is strange. Buying full backs has become a problem now, the person who sanctioned the signing of an overweight Brazilian who could’nt run or tackle should be sacked, then they go and sign a weak, non-aggressive Spaniard.
Ver at, what your country has done in other rots is brought on overseaso coaches at the Youth level, not just at the top level.
You brought, for example, Aussie coaches in cricket, swimming and cycling, and reaped the rewards.
Vernat, what your country has done in other rots is brought on overseaso coaches at the Youth level, not just at the top level.
You brought, for example, Aussie coaches in cricket, swimming and cycling, and reaped the rewards.
Good read rico.The biggest problem with England in my view is that they lack an identity.all they seem to do is when they have the ball is to give it to one of their quick forwards and run forward to put in a cross.There is no pattern of play at all which means there is absolutely zero control by the ‘midfield’.Even teams like Australia have an identity when you watch them play and are even better to watch too.Until England instils a philosophy from the grassroots up to the 1st team this will keep on happening no matter the quality of young players that burst onto the scene.
England just won the junior rugby world cup (U-20)….
What in those sports has also happened is Players have been chosen to compete who have one aim only to excel and to do that they look to improve in every facet of their sport, the same cannot be said about football at international level of all the players.
You can have the best coach in the world if the players dont want to improve and excel for the team you are stuffed.
🙂 Scott..
Lee, at least one England side can win in NZ.
Did you read it Kt, it’s Kev’s post… 😉
My bad…good read kev.
Max, the Balotelli rumour is just that, a rumour. Until signings are completed, neither you, I or anyone know what the club have planned.
Not sure how you can suggest there is no strategy at this moment in time…
Just teasing you Kt….
Hell Raiser,
you’re right Hodgson doesn’t have the balls to REALLY change it up.
He does have a banging set of moobs though! haha
England actually won something…. Amazing Lee….!
In all honesty did we really look at that England squad and think we were anything but average…? I don’t want them getting lucky and going through.. what for we ain’t winning it we’re decidedly average and if we come home early then maybe just maybe people will do something about it. I doubt it, the media pick half the team so to start with until a manager is his own boss and listens to no one and picks a team on merit and quality then nothing will change. Do i really give a shit… I used to big time but not anymore… Now I want Ox and Jack home ASAP cos it benefits Arsenal.
If we honest Gerrard and Lampard should not of even been in the squad if your not gonna take Cole…!?!? what’s the benefit of taking them when there were good young players who could of done at least the same job and got the experience of a WC to learn for the next tournament. We have no game plan no team ethic and the telling point was the goal was all on the floor, the ball never left the ground yet 99% of the time we just hoof it forward without any clue and total lack of quality.
England as a team are as always a total let down and praised by the media purely to be shot down. Most sensible fans don’t have any expectations of the national side because truthfully they know they not good enough.
In many ways you are right Vernat, winning tournaments / leagues etc is not about having all the best players but by having a cohesive team that all know their responsibilities.England and Arsenal are poles apart in style but have similar problems with the team ethic. Neither set of players work for each other , they don’t cover and they don’t track back and I always have blamed a language barrier at Arsenal but no excuse for England they seem not to talk to each other either.Last night as the ball was launched – one centre back had to drop off with Suarez and the other cover the ball and tell Gerrard to leave it.Simple teamwork Suarez doesn’t score.
When we did win the thing in 1966 we had a team of good pros . But they played as a team. Ball could run all day and pass , link and cover , Stiles sat and covered and kicked people. Peters and Charlton could go forward and join Hunt and Hurst and time their attacks . Charlton could shoot from distance and Peters had the knack of appearing in the opponents box at the right time if not 10 years ahead of it. The point is they were not the best players in the world but they were organised and played to their strengths and none of them gave the impression of being to good for the rest of the players and the manager got the best out of them.
Last night we saw a bunch of over hyped , over paid mercenaries masquerading as an England team . Ramsey ( Alf that is ) would have been turning in his grave.
Potter, prime example of what you have just said it look at how Chile played against Spain, they were like busy bee’s round a honey pot, didn’t give Spain 2 seconds on the ball they worked from the front they closed players down the harried and worked their socks off and Spain made mistakes gave the ball away and just couldn’t cope… England sit off allow others to play and just look lethargic with no tempo what so ever. Pathetic really but it is what it is… Manager aside the FA also gutless so the problem stems from the very top…!
Spot on as an 8 year old watching my first proper world cup 1998, I was sucked into the atmosphere, the emotion, the passion. That was an exciting world cup, memories of Owen and Beckham. There I learned how fierce our rivalry with Argentina was (Hand of God). I was majorly upset when we were knocked out. I actually cared about the team then and up until probably 2010 WC where in the end I thought “this is it, look at the other teams we never will have a chance” as Ozil roasted G.Barry and ripped us a new one. I’ve never really felt that WC fever this year. Last night I just chuckled knowing that result was inevitable. My girlfriend was on the verge of tears as this was her first proper world cup (where she’s actually begun to love football) just like mine in 1998 and she couldn’t understand why we lost. She said to me “I really thought we were going to go far”. But for me, my enthusiasm is gone for England and I don’t think i’m the only one. In such a short period of time (16 years) i’ve gone from caring so much about England to laughing at how pathetically we whimper out, it’s tragic. until there are serious changes I will continue to not give a crap and will always prefer watching and supporting Arsenal. At least the Premierleague isn’t too far away to wash that awful bitter taste from our mouths…we hope
Totally agree Wath, especially about double standards re Cole and Lampard/Gerrard.
Thank goodness we won’t see them again after this WC..
I doubt we’ll see Rooney again either, well I certainly hope not…
Different sport but the right attitude
“There are two kinds of rugby players, boys – there’s honest ones and there’s the rest. The honest player gets up in the morning and looks himself in the f***ing mirror and sets his standard, sets his stall out, and says ‘I’m going to get better and I’m going to get better and I’m going to get better’.
“He doesn’t complain about the food or the beds or the referees or all these sort of things. These are just peripheral things that weak players are always complaining about, the dishonest player.
“If I tell a player he’s too high or he’s not tight enough, he’s too f***ing high or he’s not tight enough, and that’s it. I’m the judge and not the player and we accept that and we do something about it.
“I’ve coached Lions teams before and we’ve complained and we’ve carped about this, that and the next thing and I liken it a bit to the British and Irish going abroad on holiday. The first thing they look for is a f***ing English pub; the second thing they look for is a pint of Guinness; and the third thing they look for a is a fish and chip shop. The only thing they accept is the sun. They don’t take on anything that’s good or decent or different abroad.
“If we do that, we’re sunk. We don’t go back bitching. We don’t go back harping ‘We’ve done it like this at Twickenham, or the Arms Park or Lansdowne Road or Murrayfield’. No, no, no, these days are past. What’s accepted over there is not accepted over here. It’s not accepted by us, me and you.
“So from now on, the page is turned. We’re on a new book, different attitudes. We’re honest with ourselves. And in many respects in forward play, unless we’re f***ing honest, we’ll be second best. We can match them, but only if we get it right here (pointing to his head) and get it right here (pointing to his heart).
“Two weeks: there’s battles all along the way. There’s a battle on Wednesday; there’s a battle on Saturday; there’s a battle next Wednesday; there’s a battle the following Saturday and there’s a battle the following Tuesday until we’re f***king into the big arena, the one we were in on Saturday. By that time the Lions have to make them roar for us, because they’ll be baying for blood. Let’s hope it’s f***ing Springbok blood.
“We’re focused. From now on, the kid gloves are off – it’s bare knuckle f***ing stuff. And only at the end of the day will the man who’s standing on his feet win the f***ing battle.”
I said it last night and you picked it up too. When we scored the ball was played on the floor and we used our strengths of pace and delivery. We scored and didn’t do it again for the rest of the match.
Big Tone , Keown or Bouldy would have put Suarez over the asphalt and asked him how the knee was getting on . That would be taking a yellow for the team.
I don’t understand how we looked more energetic against a better passing side in much more treacherous conditions. Last night should have suited us with cooler temperatures, the ball was in the air more often than not. Why didn’t we grab the game by the scruff of the neck, inject some quick movement and on the floor passing.
I think when you see Lallana and Barkley come onto the pitch and the enthusiasm both showed for that brief time they were on highlights what it means for some to still play for England. They ran around and chased and closed players down… The object is to get all 11 to do that and to have a game plan and a way of playing that everyone is comfy with. We lack creativity and when faced with that we just resort to a hoof up the pitch… Even my Mrs shouted at the tv halfway through the first half… “Come on England quicker for gods sake your just so slow……” Now she hardly even watches football so don’t that just sum it all up…!
Watch the cricket Nickie 🙂
“Nobody’s going to do it for you. You have to find your own solace, your own drive, your own ambition, your own inner strength, because the moment’s arriving for the greatest game of your f***ing lives.”
How old is Lallana? 26/27? He’ll be 30/31 next world cup. I feel sorry for him, easily one if not the most inform midfielder for England this season and he sees Welbeck and Rooney start instead of him. Gutting
I’d rather have Adrian Chiles wallpaper on my ceiling so I wake up to him every day
Potter, My mate asked me last night… Wonder if any LFC player will go through Suarez and ask him how his knee is now… Should of done that first 5 mins….. Wonder why it never happened….!?!?!?
Vernat, spot on mate but footballers are way to pampered for such thoughts ideas and mentality…! Saw very little fight last night and very little attitude. Wonder if they all thinking of that 3 week 5* holiday in the Maldives they about to enjoy…!
He’s just turned 26 Nickie, So he’ll be 30 next WC… Maybe still hungry who knows but as you say, form player great season and don’t get a look in…!
Surely not Nickie… lol
Wath, Johnson was too busy helping Suarez when he was suffering with cramp!
Rooney’s wife was tweeting before the competition kicked off that she couldn’t wait for Rooney to get back so they could go on their holiday…..
I see Ibrahim Toure… Younger brother of Yaya and Kolo passed away yesterday aged 28 from cancer… that horrible fucking cnut disease strikes again….! RIP young fella…!
Just got this from another site
French TV chit chat with Arsene last night -‘We are not currently close to any signings. Are we in the market? we are always looking. We have lost Bacary and Lucasz. We will look to promote from within and focus on what we have. I am very happy with our attacking players and I do not focus specially on them’
Not sure if legit
Those who say that the cause of the state of English football is the many overseas players are having a larf or know nothing about English Football’s history.
How many foreign players were there in 1974 and in 1978?
And in 1994?
Imo…..the more foreign players there are the better. Because if a player who is a national footballer of another country plays in the team……an English kid with the right state of mind will say…..”I will look and observe. AND COPY what he does.”
If the kid eventually displaces a foreigner in the team it will be because the English kid is better. If he does not he will start whining and saying that foreigners are killing the game. So it is simply an excuse which masks the real reason………HE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
how many coaches are English of the top six teams?
yupp……that is right. Rodgers only.
That speaks volumes.
Nickie…. Man speak with fork tongue……….!
Devil, i did say my dad isn’t a massive fan if the game, and he does not watch much of it when I offered up his opinion on foreign players.
Oh, and Rodgers is Irish 🙂
just read about Ibrahim Toure.
what a pity. only 28 years
That’s dreadfully sad for the Toure family…. RIP young man….
Funny that Scott, I thought Rodgers was a c***
I don’t believe a word of what Wenger talks….
He might be looking, but hopefully Gazidis and co and ‘doing’….
very sad RIP
Hahaha Wath.
yeah I read that Scott.
but there are many in England who say that as well.
And they are like the ostrich who dips his head in the sand so that it would not see the danger coming. but it is still there
It’s Lord Wath to you mate 😉 😛 😛 😛
SYG, 10.26
On the money again mate…
I’m just going to call you god! Wath…we shall jump ahead 🙂
Devil, I agree with you.
Instead of complaining, people should try and improve their own lot.
I like your thinking mate but honestly thats a bit over the top… Lee will get the right hump as well, As for Kev he’ll be jealous although he maybe busy with that 85yr old yank I set him up with yesterday.
Lee, 10.50…
Ah, so I didn’t imagine that cnut…
I hope those wankers vote for independence.
1974 England had the players and were a better side than in both 70 and 66. However football had changed.
The unfortunate thing re: 1974 is that we were paired with Poland who were one of the best teams in World Football and only one from the group went through.
Poland came 3rd after beating Brazil.
They won their first group which featured both Argentina and Italy and beat both Sweden and Yugoslavia in the second group.
I have no excuse for 1978 – we were shit.
Taking of grassroots football Top Dog Mr Trevor Brooking,
Years ago while looking in a bathroom showroom in Ilford,
I spotted Mr Brooking and his wife,discussing what to buy,
the wife was doing all the taking,Mr Brooking was scratching his head,we had a quick look around then popped into the shopping centre,
On the way home the wife says to me..Lets go and have another look at that bathroom suite.
So in we go back…….. about 1 hour since our last visit,
I kid you not standing in the exact position and still scratching his crust,,,………………………….Yer…Mr Trevor Brooking
Brooking was like that when he played for England Freddy. A right boring bazzard. He always spoke as through he’d got a spanner stuck across the inside of his mouth as well ….
… A bit like one of those characters in Charlie Brown ….
Factoid: WHU were looking to offload him in 1970…… Now like half the WHU team from the sixties he’s been knighted..
AW would be like that fred, he can’t make a decision when shopping…
Fred, Am surprised you saw Brooking out shopping I thought he never ever got off sitting on that fence of his…!
Rico.. like Kev says we know for a fact that wenger made an offer for draxlar..we failed again.
Yet wenger will continue to deny,making any offers for players,
He says that players are falling over them selfs to sign for us,
yet all we read are failed attempts,
He said last night that he was happy with our squad,but was always looking to buy.
What a way to run a stall.
Quote from Alan Sugar to the Apprentices:
If I give you £30,000 to buy stock and you sell the stock for £50,000
I want you to then go out and spend the £50,000 on new stock.
……………………………Not put it the fuc#ing bank
Wath is it true Brooking used to wear anti-cuprinol trousers
Syg..When ever I think of Brooking its always a reaccuring nightmare.
Him falling over and the ball hitting him on the head when scoring against us.
fred, I wonder if that was down to how much we offered for him, or as Kev says, maybe the wages – or perhaps he’s just a loyal player which is hard to believe these days.
And yes, we do seem to only hear about failed attempts but seldom from the manager until he thinks it’s funny when talking about how he could have signed Ronaldo for an example.
But I don’t believe him when it comes to transfer talk and who he is looking at because he is after all, the man who makes promises yet seldom delivers.
I really hope he is having nothing to do with transfers this summer, apart from handing our ‘recruiting team’ a list of players….
Fred, you reckon he could ever decide what to wear or had them chosen for him..? My money would be on someone else choosing for him…!
As for that “let me get out the way of the ball incident” wiped from memory…!
I have watched the game again.
its funny how the English back four kept pushing up in a straight fecking line. And there were instances when between the DM in front of the defence and the CF position I could put a couple of five a side pitches lengthwise.
Some keep blaming Gerrard for the 2nd goal. But imo when the ball was loose the defenders should have fallen back. Yet what did the defence do???
Yep. you guessed right. they PUSHED UP.
Some things need to be seen for the 2nd time to be believed.
The thing is that Suarez was quick on the turn whereas the defender was like the Graf Spee.
And the way Suarez was let loose for the first goal was laughable.
Were was Baines?
They pushed up to leave Suarez offside didn’t they Devil, but the nod on by Gerrard brought him back into play…
That ball should never have got through the midfield.
Reminds me of us on too many occasions….
Afternoon all,
Dev, ditto your post above mate… exactly what I have been thinking..
Funny how Hart is getting no mention for his poor shows and he will come back ome and sign a £130k p/w contract extension.
Syg, you will never get knighted for your 10.26.. 😉 🙂
Very good read Mr Kev
Ts, Hart is escaping criticism I think only due to the fact there were a few far worse than him but he was also very poor… Another one with a huge ego and big head…! Organisation when defending corners was a joke….! Basics were completely ignores… whats the crap about a player on the front post then moving to the back as the corner is taken… How mental is that..! Twice Suarez nearly caught that idiotic action out and we got lucky both times.
The FA built on cronyism is a shambling dinosaur of an organisation which talks a good job but does very little to promote any meaningful assistance for grass-roots football. The whole ethos is built on the principles of what most of the higher echelons learn in secret at 10 duke Street. 😉
The FA mostly rely on parent/welfare volunteers who they then insist must be accredited to run teams and administer clubs and leagues, and rightly so. But, here’s the good bit. The charge those good hearted individuals to accredite them and go through the shambolic DBS checks which is another means to ‘cushion’ their coffers…
The FA charge the volunteers who then have to re-accredit every three years on FA approved and run courses. So ordinary mums and dads give up their spare time and pay the FA. Something wrong there isn’t there?
I guess with with all that money the coffin dodgers can roll on with no care of the world.
Afternoon All.
Afternoon Rico… Great post, I’ve read it 10 times… 😀
Wath, I had to ditch the Yank mate, I couldn’t keep up with her. Bloody hell, what you can do on a zimmer frame… 😉
Fred, i’m still waiting for your email (fingers drumming on the table)… 🙂
I was really pleased with the ball retention, passing and possession England had against Italy. Although we lost I thought that showed progress.
But against Uruguay we regressed into long-ball, losing possession cheaply and poss ball retention…
Yes, our players were obviously nervous & under pressure, but so too were the Uruguayians.
England actually missed Oxlade-Chamberlain and Walcott, big style, in this WC.
Great comment comparing Gibbs and Baines…
Wonder if Shaw will get a game?
Afternoon Ts,
I was just discussing Hart with a work colleague. He should have done much better with Suarez’s second goal. Almost caught out twice from a corner? He’s very lucky his parry didn’t land at the feet of a Uruguayan player. He let’s opposition players get very close to him when clearing the ball. He looked far too pumped up before the game, someone needs to have a calming chat with him as he is very rash. Other than the 2 goals and corners he didn’t make a save because Uruguay only had the 2 on target. I can’t remember how he was against Italy?
I wonder why this country is the only one with a split of interest between its governing body the FA and The Premier League Ltd…
Even the crooks of RM and Barca in Spain dare not call the governors of La Liga a Ltd company…
Hi Wath… I never thought we would go into a major competetion with a poor backline…And concede a goal from a box standard route 1 approach.
I can live with poor ref decisions and hints of conspiracy but this heartless showcase well…??
Afternoon Kev, glad you liked the post…. 🙂 🙂
Kev, Can’t believe she was such a goer on her zimmer frame…. Can’t keep up you should be a shamed of yourself.
I will need to get you some tabs for your birthday…!
You can spare a few can’t you Wath? lol
Ts the first goal where they just went down the middle of the pitch and waltzed past Gerrard on the centre circle only to watch him jog back was ridiculous…! My mate said to me this morning.. That vidal would of took ball man and ref out on the halfway line but no way would he of got past…! crap in the tackle ball watching and jog back…! Utter shit. Then again that’s close to what we are lol
Coach, you know your stuff regarding coaching, it’s a subject we’ve both moaned about to each othet over the years, but nothing will change, as you know.
Sport in schools, in this country, is on it’s knees. Sports fields sold off for property development, the FA not interested in thr grassroots, everything geared to the EPL and the gravy train, the enormous cost of Wembley (what was wrong with England games at league grounds?).
Compare who run the DfB and who run our FA…
I would like to know what qualifies Dyke to head the FA? Next we will be paying tax to help develop new players for ‘our national sports’ 😉
Nickie, I thought Hart could have commanded his area better leading to Balo’ goal.. but I may be going ‘hard’ on Hart so… just my opinion.
Few headlines suggest Liverpool have made an offer for Khedira….
Oh and to save the day we brought on Rickie Lambert…. No disrespect to the fella but really…????
Yes Rico they the ones you told me to get as they work for you….!
Wath spot on that is why I have always said Vidal is the msot complete midfielder in football no; of course Ramsey comes a close 2nd; 🙂 Vidal burst shis guts every 3 days for Juve doing a minimum of 11km per game…
I know folks don’t like stats but to me if we have players doing 8.4km in midfield after 90 minutes then something is very wrong with either tthe tactics or the commitment of players especially if we go on to lose the game…
Even Pirlo runs 9km per game at his age…
Some of the names being linked with Liverpool repulses me lol we should be after them
Last 10 minutes vs Uruguay was calling out for Andy Carroll lol
Wath, at Liverpool Lucas does the donkey work for Gerrard.. I was surprised he did not make the Brazillian squad but they picked Paulinho… then again I am nothing but an armchair expert. 🙂
Who said you’re an expert Ts even in the armchair lol 😛
Shows how boring footie is at the moment that we talking about Gerrard n Hart…. Gerrards game was built on tempo and running and now he can’t do it and for him to be the one that sits shows how technically inept we are and yet when it came to a 50/50 in the centre circle he didn’t even win that… early doors he tried to barge Suarez off the ball and failed dismally…!
I am not too bother re Liverpool signings – Anyone who watches the Bundesliga will tell you Can is all about potential.. no difference between him and Borini..
Did you read/hear about Suarez’s comment about English fans/media after the game re. retribution?
That snake can engineer a move away if the ‘prize’ is right any day of the week before the window closes imho. and my crystal ball tells me Brenda will go soon so I have no fear there…
Lol Wath… you can’t burst my bubble 🙂
Just 8.4 km in 90 minutes?????? :O
I run 8 km (5miles) in less than 70 minutes.
And I am 46.
So if the English midfield is running 8,4 km per player…….its not something which is wrong. Its everything which is monstrously wrong.
Suarez barging Gerrard off the ball, how about little Raheem making Cavani take a tumble
ahhhh yes I remember that incident Wath…..when Gerrard tried to shoulder Suarez off the ball.
It was laughable really.
Suarez is such a gigantic specimen compared to Gerrard.
Kev Waiting for the holiday season to be over no one around yet,everything second hand.
Lol Dev
Cheeky Wath…. lol
1 – Joe Hart has saved just one of the six shots on target he has faced at the #WorldCup (4 goals + Jagielka clearance off line). Stranded.
Okie doke Fred…
Wath, the zimmerframe is an interesting piece of kit.
You should try it.
It would open your eyes… 😛
Rico, Wath’s tablets are really very good.
Avoid alcohol when partaking… 😀
That’s where I’m going wrong then Kev – must stick to water… 😉
Rooney, he should step down too.
Morning HH….world cup fever catching on. Finally got a few of my yank mates excited about football. We are all going to watch the US game. Can’t wait.
Off now people, have a great day. Maybe on a little later
Hey rico whatever happened to adam…haven’t seen him in 3 days. It’s unlike him to go awol on us. Is he ok? Be a dear and give him a call please. Thank you.
Enjoy it goonster, who are they playing?
Balotelli to arsenal is looking increasingly possible. There’s so much going on underground we don’t know about. I hope we get him. It’s been a while we had a cf the opposition feared. Robbing van herpes was the last one even though it was for a season. Come on arsene make it happen.
Afternoon all,
England were a shambles last night, no-one stood up to be counted.
Suarez hadn’t played a game since May yet bangs in 2 against us, he must have been rubbing his hands together at the thought of taking on Jagielka, similiarly Jagielka must have been thinking to himself “oh fcuk not suarez again”
Lee 11.05, the great thing about rugby is you can’t park the bus, they’d just kick the ball over it !
Is the England inquest over yet? lol, Afternoon all.
That’s being polite Micko…
It’ll rumble on until they get on the plane Bt… lol
Bt62, there’s always the ever reliable back door even if it has been well and truly side boarded up this time round.
rico, i’m a polite person.
Last time england failed to qualify for the 2nd round……Sweden 1958.
Soon be time to watch Super Mario!!
Don’t you mean Super Joel Bt…? 😀
Wath, thought that was a given, have Italy down for a 2-0, soon be time for the Joel and Mario Super Show! lol
I reckon 3-1 or 2-1 Italy…! Lets see Joel up against Italian defenders….!
🙂 Micko..
This game will definitely tell us more about JC….
Rico, spot on ref Joel.
Part of me wants him to batter their defence Wath and score a few, but thinking of England only, I don’t….
No booking?? Goodness me….
Rico 😀 I never thought a day ll come you support a scouser over a gooner. For shame 😀
If Italy beat Costa Rico, doesn’t that virtually seal them as group winners…
Therefore wouldn’t Italy rest players against Uruguay?!!!
England are coming home, on the same plane as Spain.
Ak, The Plane of Sham! lol
Meant Shame.
BT, you was right the first time.
That was Mario the plumber! lol
Jack and Alex play for England goonie… 😉
Balo and Campbell trying to one up each other. 🙂
Justice is done me thinks.
Costa Rico are ahead Kev 😛
Maybe AW is eyeing Ruiz. Lol Hello, all.
That should be 2-0!
Good read, Shopping Buddy.
There’s a few good Costa Rico players agag 😉
Afternoon all, its laughable how Joel Campbell is on loan and Miyachi and Postman in Arsenal squad.
Rico, is big ears Italian?
Dna, Ryo is a Japanese commercial asset for Arsenals portfolio.
Balotelli or Campbell on this showing you wouldn’t want either of them
There are some people on the pitch and they think it’s all over ——-It is now !
Who is big ears Bt?
Agree Potter….
And yes, for England, it’s over and that’s no more than they deserve after the way they performed…
OG12 is starting today…
Oh, and well played Costa Rica, never gave the Italians time to play.
They deserve to be exactly where they are….
Woopeee Ts… 😉
I’d rather he didn’t play, France lose and he heads off on holiday….
WATH has taken over Micko’s baton for wrong predictions. 😀
How boring was that second half??
Rico, so harsh on Giroud. 😛 hiya, ginge.
Bigs Ears, Lineker!
That silly girl Fiona gets her wish… Shrek is soon off on hols.
Just don’t want him injured agag…
Silly me Bt, I should have known, there’s only one big eared Linekar. Thankfully….
Fido needs a walk, catch up in a bit…
Morning all.
How did Campbell play?
Still stunned at the result!!
Scott, not too well. But ref should have awarded him a pen when he was clattered with a sight on goal.
Mario was not super either.
Giroud’s first meaningful contribution is to try to blind a Swiss opponent.
og12….. you
Well done Giroud,
Giroud Is playing really well tonight.
Giroud scores a header defensive centre backs Djourou and Senderos . Lol.
Was it in any doubt, Ginge?
Lol Agag
Good header from your crush 😉
potter, now that you mention it, haha!!
Thanks Agag.
Felt sorry for the injured Swiss guy if course, but absolutely accidental.
Still, lifting the foot that high is always risky….lucky to get away with it.
Giroud himself looked surprised. Haha.
That was cloooose.
That was a high foot, Scott, and he is lucky!!
Djourou having a mare!!!
Benzema should be benched! 😀
Djourou always has a mare… 😉
I looove Valbuena
Benzema should be benched ,
Yeah bring on Griezmann and see how he goes with Giroud.
Who said OG12 can’t run…
check you eyes… 😀
Bloody heck, Ollie can run…. 🙂
Xherdan is looking very bright.
potter, I like that idea. 🙂
Giroud turns provider now. 🙂
OG12 has always been unselfish… pure team player imo…
2goals and an assist.Not bad for †̥ђƺ fan proclaimed shit.That run for that assist is classic.
Snap, get yourself on here! 🙂
Valbuena showing how much of a class player he is… shame he has turned us down in the past
rico did you read Valbuena’s interview about how he was systematically bullied and made the butt of jokes by Nasri and Ribery?? Mygod, have those two looked at themselves in the mirror???
So the papers might have us believe Ts….
Cabaye playing the no.6 role like Wouters/Koeman of Holland in the late 80’s and early 90’s
I didn’t agag…
lol Rico.. did you play a part in that headline? 🙂
Can’t bring myself to watch any football today since england lobotomised me last nite, can’t be arsed, really can’t !
Got your database up and running then Ts? 😉
rico, here’s what Valbuena said.
His usually cheery disposition helped earn Valbuena a place over the more skilful Nasri, whose bad-boy image and disruptive influence counted against him when Dider Deschamps named his squad.
Valbuena, born near Bordeaux to a Spanish father and a French mother, will have shed no tears over his omission, given that Nasri and Ribery ganged up on him when he first arrived at Marseille, making a particular point of singling him out because of his lack of height – he stands just 1.52 metres.
“When I see them at the national side get-togethers, I prefer to make light of what went on because the story is over,” he said last year.
“Despite it being over, I still have a bad memory of what went on. To be systematically singled out for bad jokes really hurts.
“Nobody else in the dressing room would have put up being targeted like I was. I was not ready to be subjected to that. I was too nice, but I am now made of harder stuff.”
Agag, re Ribery and big egos maybe another reason why Aw did not want Cesc back with us…
cabaye best player thus far…..has kos done something wrong…no way is sakho better than him anyways let’s go Le blue……hi all
No Ts, I just re-write the bollox they print, but I do always declare my source… 😉
Micko there is always the Euro’s… lol
Rico, watch it… no Sarcasm 😀
Micko, my thoughts are with you, hope you get through this difficult time soon. Maybe by bedtime…….. lol
Hiya Snap my man…
We should have bought Cabaye simples!
valbuena always turns up when playing for France Rico it’s a reason we didn’t really care about nasri been dropped
🙂 agag, poor chap…
A lil bird told me a certain Rico is the chief editor in chief for Metro and Cof Side.. 😀
No sarcasm Ts, just truth… 😉
can’t believe Rico is still awake……hi rico
Pish-takers, the lot of ya.
Cheeky snaparse 😉
Nah, snap. Giroud is currently MotM. 😀
rico, he is really tiny, isn’t he??
Micko, WATH just nicked your wrong predictions crown. 😉
ginge, but the other players seemed to like Cesc. Not the Africans though, I remember an Eboue interview where he was less than complimentary. Haha, and he seems like such a nice guy, if a bit clueless in footbaall. 😀
Your little bird about my writing is about as reliable as your stats and ‘source’ Ts…. 😉
He is agag, bless him….
true Rico….I always thought he was better in the arteta role proved me right…..solid performer the most underrated player in the French team along with valbuena
Rico-My database is always running…
I am just trying to detox myself off stats that is all… lol
That’s us Micko…. 😉
Micko back me here will ya… the lady is disputing hard fact side to side passes stats. 🙂
Dont knock it until you have tried it…
I like cheeky snaparse 😉
Ts – what’s it called, talksport?? 😉
Lol agag giroud has been awesome tonight and he really deserves his goal…should have taken the pen IMO as Benz is not really a good penalty taker… .
Agag, has Syg holding you as a hostage.. Eboue is African cafu… 🙂
Now that is a low blow Rico, why bring talkshite up… 🙂
Lol Rico it’s nice seeing u around Rico am thinking u like watching France play??as you guys have been awful in the world cup
You need back up Ts?? I thought you thought you were always right?? 😉
There’s an answer to that Ts… 😉
Thanks snap, but I’m watching masterchef now… 😉
Snap, Benzema has an eye on the golden boot. No way he was not taking that. But I agree, Giroud would have scored that. Lol.
Ginge, Kolo was also not very complimentary in one interview about Cesc. Wish I could find those. Is Koss injured??
She has a point tsgh, your always trying to mislead us with facts lol.
Hello agag, the king is dead, long live the king.
The French seem to have pulled the right reign omitting certain smart arse little wankersf rom their squad.
As Arsenal found this season, a happy squad is more important than a talented one.
Of course, both would be nice 🙂
Ah Agag, I didn’t know about that..
But even Denilson thought Cesc was no captain material… lol
🙂 Rico… I think I need Goonie or Wath to back me up.. Micko is sitting on the fence…
I wish the Swiss player injured well. Fractured cheekbone, it seems.
Here we go Micko… kicking a man whilst he is down..? 😉
That sounds painful Agag
Hmmmm Scott, can’t think who you mean….
Diaby?? 😉 😉
So true Scott… its about 11 players giving 100% for the team
Stop passing the buck Ts… 😉
Nasti must be enjoying watching this with his girlfriend who has been used by Deschamps, right?
A man can only try rico. 😉
Sued, I mean.
The French have had 11 shots on target.
I wondered for a minute there agag? 😉
I was wondering what you meant by Deschamp using Nastri’s GF? 🙂
I’m off guys and gals.
’til tomorrow…
Night all….
Pssss. Why pull out your best player??
He will sue me next, haha. Oops.
so true Scott unlike like most I was not surprised when nasri was dropped in fact I was pleased can’t have someone disrupting the team as he does….a peaceful squad is so vital to our chances of doing well imo
Night, Rico. You have to wait a little longer before Koz and Ollie come home.
Yay, my favorite player in.
Got it one one, Rico hahaha.
night Rico sorry if u chased you away lol
What a ball.
World class!!
Benzema finally scores when he got back to his preferred position. Lol.
Snap, you must be happy. Four different goalscorers. 🙂
Night Rico..
I ‘love’ the way the commentator implied City could do with Kosser; idiot 😡
Kosser is NOT going anywhere, those idiots. Even Evra has found fresh legs. I feel I’ll complimenting him. He is hateful. Lol.
Sissoko now. Oh my
Absolute wow…
Trezeguet, Henry, Zidane, Cise could not do this in 2002
I feel bad for Djourou and Senderos.
Lol Agag.. Senderros has played for RM and Valencia; you cant feel sorry for him. 😉
Where is M’Vila 😛
But Trez scored the golden goal in 00. Shame he couldn’t play well with Henry. AW was a big fan of Trez, I remember.
France are just ripping this mob up.
Haha Ginge……fair call.
What has happened to MVila? Lost his way?
Inler and Behrani are not normally sloths but today the midfield 3 of Cabaye, Matuidi and Sissoko have been absolutely impressive…
Agag, he gave Trezeguet his debut I believe but like Benzema and OG12… AW suspected Trezeguet and TH14 couldn’t fit week in week out…
Snap, do you think Capoue would have made the squad if he was not injured?
Of course, a Spud had to ruin the party.
This is why I don’t like Benzema…
Now the big question… Greizman or Valbuena who would you prefer for AFC?
Agag- something to make you laugh
Valbuena this year, Griezmann in January. Lol.
That girl thinks she is all that. Not!!! Haha.
lol… you dont ask for much do you?
Koscielny. 🙁
yes ts he would have been there instead of mavuba…..I’m a happy man agag can’t say I don’t deserve it after all this years…..ts our midfield is one of the best in the tournament
ts if carzola leaves I would want us to get valbuena if not then griezmann
Chile’s midfield come close Snap…
Nah, I changed my mind, I’d rather blame Lloris. Haha.
I’m cheering on the French for Kos and Ollie as well, Snap, so I’m really happy with the results. And the Krauts for our three boys there.
Snap if it wasn’t their height I would pay £30m for Valbuena and Cabella
What a finish… unlucky
Benzema again??
Night Agag, Snap, Scott and all…
Over and out. Night everyone.
night everyone..,…ts I like cabella but not for arsenal….OK I’m out
Guys, of the players just on show, the one I think would have most
Positive affect on us is Pogba.
Benzene is pure class, and obviously I’d take him as well, but Pogba is a beast.
Night all.
England was not so bad did you paint. Two good games indeed.
Benzema was fantastic tody.
Giroud was superb. Did you see how he was running on the second goal? And he is taller enought
We don’t need Balottelli. He is a very problematic player
Benzema and Giroud were very good.
Wow… snow in moscow in Summer
Moscow are welcome to it….
Maybe the heavens saw Giroud sprinting and it sent the weather crazy… 😉
Awful start by England against NZ…
New post up..